Agroecology & Environmental Quality Specialization

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General Information

The undergraduate Agroecology and Environmental Quality specialization was established in 1993. This curriculum is designed for students interested in sustaining agrarian and surrounding ecosystems through more efficient management of land, biota, and water. As the earth's population increases, demand will escalate for clean food and water. These activities, in combination with heightened energy requirements, will increase stress on our natural resources, such as soils, surface water, and ground water. Concurrent increased public concern about the long-term sustainability of our food production system will spur the development of more effective and safe cropping, livestock, fertilizer, pest control, and farm waste management practices. Low-input alternative farming methods that emphasize nutrient recycling and "environmental friendly" production practices will be given special consideration. Students who complete this curriculum will be prepared to meet these challenges.

Why Study Agroecology and Environmental Quality?

Graduates in Agroecology and Environmental Quality can anticipate career opportunities in environmental regulatory agencies, conservation, farm service agencies, farm management, commercial laboratories, consulting, and graduate studies.

Requirements for Graduation

To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture with a specialization in Agroecology & Environmental Quality Specialization, a student must complete a minimum of 123 semester hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.0. The course work must be in the following areas:

General Education Requirements (40 hrs)
(see UH Hilo General Education Requirements)

Title/Courses Credits
English Composition:
Eng 100 or Eng 100T or ESL 100
3 hrs
Quantitative Reasoning (100 or 200 level Math, except 199 or 299)
Math 121 taken under the Supplemental Requirements also applicable here.
3 hrs
World Cultures:
TWO courses
Ag 230 or Anth 100 or Eng 253 or Eng 254 or Eng 275 or Geog 102 or Hist 151 or Hist 152 or KInd 240
Ag 230 taken under the Agriscience Requirements also applicable here.
6 hrs
THREE 100 or 200 level courses in different disciplines.
Com 100, 151, 200, or 251 and Eng 225 taken under the Supplemental Requirements also applicable here.
9 hrs
Social Sciences:
THREE 100 or 200 level courses in different disciplines.
AgEc 201 or Econ 130 taken under the Agriscience Requirements also applicable here.
9 hrs
Natural Sciences:
THREE 100 or 200 level courses in different disciplines.
Including 1 credit hour of laboratory.
Courses taken under the Supplemental Requirements also applicable here.
10 hrs

Requirements for Major (including GE courses, 123 hrs)

Course Title Credits
Agriscience Requirements (49 hrs)
Ag 230* Sustainable Agriculture 3 hrs
Ag 291
Directed Work Experience Program 3 hrs
Ag 375
Introduction to Genetic Analysis 3 hrs
Ag 497
Senior Seminar 1 hrs
AgBu 110
Introduction to Microcomputing for Agriculture 3 hrs
AgEc 201* or
Econ 130*
Agricultural Economics or
Introduction to Microeconomics
3 hrs
Agrn 410
Soil-Plant-Herbivore Interrelations 3 hrs
Ansc 141* or
Aqua 262*
Introduction to Animal Science or
Introduction to Aquaculture
3 hrs
Aqua 425 Water Quality 3 hrs
Ento 304 General Entomology 3 hrs
Ento 374 Insect Pest Control 3 hrs
For 202 or
Soil 350
Forestry and Natural Resources or
Soil Fertility & Nutrient Cycling
3 hrs
Hort 262* Principles of Horticulture
3 hrs
Hort 481 Weed Science 3 hrs
NRes 320 Environmental Issues in Asia-Pacific 3 hrs
PPth 301 Tropical Plant Pathology 3 hrs
Soil 304 Tropical Soils 3 hrs
Supplemental Requirements (32 to 33 hrs)
Biol 175* & 175L* Introductory Biology I and Lab 4 hrs
Biol 281* General Ecology 3 hrs
Chem 124* & 124D* & 124L* General Chemistry I and Discussion and Lab 5 hrs
Chem 125* & 125D* & 125L* General Chemistry II and Discussion and Lab 5 hrs

Com 100* or
Com 200* or
Com 251*

Human Communication in a Diverse Society or
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication or
Public Speaking
3 hrs
Econ 380 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics 3 hrs
Eng 225* WI/Writing for Science and Technology 3 hrs
Math 121* Introduction to Statistics and Probability 3 hrs
Phys 106 & 170L* or
Phys 115*
College Physics I and Lab or
Physics for the Liberal Arts
4/3 hrs
Electives (26 to 27 hrs)

For students interested in eventually pursuing a graduate degree, the following courses are suggested as electives: Chem 141/Chem 241-242, Biol 410, Math 205-206.

* Can be used for General Education if courses are from lower division.

EFFECTIVE FALL 2006 (rev 08/06).

Agroecology and Environmental Quality Curriculum Sheet