January 16, 2009
Discovery - Extension - Education


  Through a combination of research, teaching and outreach, students leave with a solid background in any one of four major thrust areas: Genetic Improvement of Economic Crops, Cropping Systems and Plant Nutrition, Environmental Soils and Landscape Processes, and Turf and the Urban Environment.

Featured News


TILLING Genes To Improve Soybeans

A new genetic tool is making it possible to reap many of the benefits of genetic engineering without its disadvantages, whether real or perceived. Among these benefits is breeding better crops—that is, plants that are more nutritious or that can lower risk of developing cancer or food allergies. <<Read More>>

NRES Graduate is Part of a Winning Team

The Partnership for Turtle Creek, a Sullivan County watershed management group, received the 2005 Excellence in Conservation Award, an annual national recognition presented by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). <<Read More>>

M.O. Pence Memorial Scholarship Winners Named 

Recently the M.O. Pence Memorial Scholarship was awarded to a graduate and undergraduate student. The $3,000 graduate student scholarship was awarded to Aaron Patton and the $1,500 undergraduate student scholarship was awarded to Shane Hanna. <<Read More>>

Pollutionbusters : Plants that glow and crops that clean

Imagine driving past a field that glows with a fluorescent green light if pollutants from a nearby factory leak into the ground. Or envision planting a crop that's harvested not as food, but for its ability to extract contaminants from the soil and store them in its shoots and leaves. Sound far-fetched? Perhaps, but a multidisciplinary team of Purdue University researchers is getting closer to making these and other innovative methods of cleaning up the environment a reality. <<Read More>>