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+ Goddard Space Flight Center
+ Sciences & Exploration Directorate
+ Astrophysics Science Division
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JDEM Contacts

  • Dr. Michael Salamon
    NASA Headquarters
    Physics of the Cosmos Program Scientist

  • Dr. Richard Griffiths
    NASA Headquarters
    JDEM Program Scientist

  • Dr. Kathleen Turner
    DOE Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics
    JDEM Program Scientist

Latest News
January 6, 2009

Findings of the Figure of Merit Science Working Group

November 19, 2008


November 3, 2008

Community Letter Concerning AO

October 4, 2008

NASA and DOE appoint JDEM Science Coordination Group

September 12, 2008

NASA and DOE to establish JDEM Science Coordination Group

NASA and DOE are constituting a JDEM Science Coordination Group to aid in establishing preliminary requirements for JDEM. The Charter for the JDEM Science Coordination Group and the Call for Letters of Application for Membership in the JDEM Science Coordination Group have been issued.

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