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NIOSH Publication No. 97-141:

Musculoskeletal Disorders and Workplace Factors

July 1997


A Critical Review of Epidemiologic Evidence for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Neck, Upper Extremity, and
Low Back

Chapter 3. Shoulder Musculoskeletal Disorders: Evidence for Work-Relatedness - Tables and Figures

Epidemiologic criteria used to examine studies of:
3.1 Shoulder MSDs associated with repetition/Risk indicator
3.2 Shoulder MSDs associated with force/Risk indicator
3.3 Shoulder MSDs associated with posture/Risk indicator
3.4 Shoulder MSDs associated with vibration/Risk indicator
3.5 Epidemiologic studies evaluating work-related shoulder musculoskeletal disorders
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3.1 Shoulder MSDs associated with repetition/Risk indicator

Epidemiologic criteria used to examine studies of shoulder MSDs associated with repetition

Study (first author and year) Risk indicator (OR, PRR, IR or p-value)*,† Participation rate >70% Physical examination Investigator blinded to case and/or exposure status Basis for assessing shoulder exposure to repetition
Met all four criteria:
Chiang 1993 1.6† Yes Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Kilbom 1986, 1987 NR†,‡ Yes Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Ohlsson 1994 3.5† Yes Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Ohlsson 1995 5.0† Yes Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Met at least one criterion:
Bjelle 1981 NR† NR Yes Yes Observation or measurements
English 1995 2.3†, ** Yes Yes Yes Job titles or self-reports
Sakakibara 1995 1.7† Yes Yes NR Job titles or self-reports
Met none of the criteria:
Ohlsson 1989 3.4† NR No NR Job titles or self-reports

*Some risk indicators are based on a combination of risk factors—not on repetition alone (i.e., repetition plus force, posture,or vibration). Odds ratio (OR), prevalence rate ratio (PRR), or incidence ratio (IR).

†Indicates statistical significance. If combined with NR, a significant association was reported without a numerical value.

‡Not reported.

** Repeated shoulder rotation with elevated arm.

Figure 3.1 Chart

3.2 Shoulder MSDs associated with force/Risk indicator

Epidemiologic criteria used to examine studies of shoulder MSDs associated with force

Study (first author and year) Risk indicator (OR, PRR, IR or p-value)*,† Participation rate >70% Physical examination Investigator blinded to case and/or exposure status Basis for assessing shoulder exposure to force
Met all four criteria:
Chiang 1993 1.8† Yes Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Met at least one criterion:
Andersen 1993a 1.38–10.25† Yes No Yes Job titles or self-reports
Herberts 1981, 1984 15–18† NR‡ Yes NR Job titles or self-reports
Stenlund 1992 2.2–4.0† Yes Yes Yes Job titles or self-reports
Wells 1983 5.7† Yes No NR Job titles or self-reports

*Some risk indicators are based on a combination of risk factors—not on force alone (i.e., force plus repetition, posture,or vibration). Odds ratio (OR), prevalence rate ratio (PRR), or incidence ratio (IR).

†Indicates statistical significance.

‡Not reported.

Figure 3.2 Chart

3.3 Shoulder MSDs associated with posture/Risk indicator

Epidemiologic criteria used to examine studies of shoulder MSDs associated with posture

Study (first author and year) Risk indicator (OR, PRR, IR or p-value)*,† Participation rate >70% Physical examination Investigator blinded to case and/or exposure status Basis for assessing shoulder exposure to posture
Met all four criteria:
Jonsson 1988 NR†,‡ Yes Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Kilbom 1986, 1987 NR† Yes Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Ohlsson 1994 3.5† Yes Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Ohlsson 1995 5.0† Yes Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Met at least one criterion:
Baron 1991 3.9† No Yes Yes Observation or measurements
Bjelle 1979 10.6† NR Yes No Observation or measurements
Bjelle 1981 NR† NR Yes Yes Observation or measurements
English 1995 2.3†,** Yes Yes Yes Job titles or self-reports
Herberts 1981 8.3 NR Yes NR Job titles or self-reports
Hoekstra 1994 5.1† Yes No Yes Job titles or self-reports
Milerad 1990 2.4† Yes No NR Job titles or self-reports
Sakakibara 1995 NR† Yes Yes NR Observation or measurements
Schibye 1995 NR Yes No NR Job titles or self-reports

*Some risk indicators are based on a combination of risk factors—not on posture alone (i.e., posture plus force, repetition, or vibration). Odds ratio (OR), prevalence rate ratio (PRR), or incidence ratio (IR).

†Indicates statistical significance. If combined with NR, a significant association was reported without a numerical value.

‡Not reported.

** Repeated shoulder rotation with elevated arm (p< 0.05 level, most of study used 0.01 level).

Figure 3.3 Chart

3.4 Shoulder MSDs associated with vibration/Risk indicator

Epidemiologic criteria used to examine studies of shoulder MSDs associated with vibration

Study (first author and year) Risk indicator (OR, PRR, IR or p-value)*,† Participation rate >70% Physical examination Investigator blinded to case and/or exposure status Basis for assessing shoulder exposure to vibration
Met at least one criterion:
Burdorf 1991 1.5 No No NR‡ Observation or measurements
Stenlund 1992 2.2–3.1† Yes Yes Yes Self-reports, weight of tools
Stenlund 1993 1.7–1.8† Yes Yes Yes Job titles or self-reports

*Some risk indicators are based on a combination of risk factors—not on vibration alone (i.e., vibration plus force, posture,or repetition). Odds ratio (OR), prevalence rate ratio (PRR), or incidence ratio (IR).

†Indicates statistical significance.

‡Not reported.

Figure 3.4 Chart


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