Western Governors Foundation
For more information or to find out how you can support the Foundation, contact:

Heidi Fuller
Email: hfuller08@gmail.com

Mickelson Fellowship Winners

Dawn Ann Melvin -- Arizona Office of Tourism for Native American tourism programs

Scott Gilmore, fishing program for young kids and their families - 2005

Brian Johnson, clean energy systems and technologies and sustainable building design - 2004

William Miller & Fred Naeher, training for threat assessment - 2003

Leslie Schwalbe, behavioral health - 2002

Dia Gainor, emergency response - 2001

Thomas J. Pagel, drug intervention - 1999

Millie Ryan, social services - 1998

Larry Kotchman, forestry - 1997


     Western Governors' Foundation

The Western Governors' Foundation serves as the source of strategic seed capital for research projects at the Western Governors' Association and for other organizations and individuals that help serve the governors and the region.

The Foundation accepts grants and gifts from corporations, foundations and individuals. With these charitable donations, the Foundation makes awards to WGA and others who assist it in policy development and implementation.

Leadership and Innovation 

The Foundation funds WGA programs and policy development in several key areas, including information technology and governance, education, natural resources, the environment, human services, economic development, international relations, and state management.

The issues are selected by the governors based on regional interest and impact. WGA helps the governors develop strategies for complex, long-term issues as well as immediate concerns.

Teachers' Legacy Scholarships 

In February 2002, Western Governors, corporate leaders and the Western Governors University joined together under the leadership of the Foundation to create its latest initiative – the Teachers' Legacy Scholarships. This initiative will enhance the participating states' teaching force by funding scholarships for K-12 teachers and prospective teachers who wish to obtain teacher certification or pursue an advanced degree in Learning Technology, Math, Science, Reading, and English as a Second Language (ESL).

The West is expected to see some of the largest percentage increases in student enrollment over the next decade. Nationally, public schools will need an estimated 2.4 million new teachers. Western Governors created the Scholarship program, recognizing a significant opportunity to reach out to existing teachers, paraprofessionals and second-career professionals to enhance their teaching skills and abilities. The goal is to provide 1,000 scholarships to K-12 teachers over the next four years.

As a partner in this effort, the Western Governors University is able to open the door to these individuals with its competency-based and Internet-delivered degrees. Competency-based degrees will ensure teacher competency in the subjects and also allow for those with significant competencies from prior work, academic or life experiences to be certified more quickly. Last fall, the Department of Education awarded WGU a $10 million Star Schools grant to fund the creation of a national online teachers college.

Corporate partners will help fund the Legacy Scholarships program through a tax-deductible $15,000 annual contribution to the Foundation over a four-year period. Each $15,000 contribution will fund two scholarships for teachers to complete a degree at WGU.

Mickelson Fellowship

Another Foundation initiative is the George S. Mickelson Fellowship, named in honor of the former South Dakota Governor, who served as WGA's chairman in 1991. He died tragically in a plane crash in 1993. The fellowship, which was formed by his colleagues, honors Mickelson's dedication to the West and his commitment to public service. It allows each succeeding chairman's state to fund an innovative demonstration or training opportunity for a deserving state employee that would not otherwise be possible.

Foundation Donor Recognition and Benefits

Donor contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) supporting organization of the Western Governors' Association. For more information on how to support the Foundation, contact Pam Inmann, Foundation President.

1515 Cleveland Place, Suite 200
Denver, Colorado 80202
Ph: (303) 623-9378
Fax: (303) 534-7309

© Western Governors' Association. All rights reserved.