SEDS, the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, is a group dedicated to expanding the role of human exploration and development of space. We seek to educate the public in such a way as to attain this goal. We have many ways of doing this, including educational outreach, conferences, and chapter projects.

End of the year donations


At the end of the year, many companies and individuals make last minute donations to non-profit organizations.

Did you know that in 2008 SEDS applied for its Tax Exempt status?

As we approach the new year, consider donating to the world's only fully student run space organization!

Clear skies and happy holidays,

Joshua V. Nelson
Chairman, SEDS-USA

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SEDS Chapter Expansion Kit


SEDS USA is happy to release the latest version of our SEDS Chapter Expansion Kit. This kit contains all of the information necessary to start a SEDS chapter anywhere in the world!

This kit can be found at:

Warning: Document is just over 7 MB in size.

Clear skies,

Joshua V. Nelson
Chairman, SEDS-USA

P.S. This kit is an original work of SEDS USA. Please do not edit, modify, or reproduce this document in part or whole.

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SEDS Launches Endowment Fund


SEDS Launches its Endowment Fund campaign, an ambitious plan to raise $300,000 to place in a mutual fund. The interest of this fund will be used to fund the activities of SEDS for years to come and help establish SEDS as a truly stable organization. For the full press release, please see:

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New SEDS USA Executive Board


I would like to welcome onboard the new SEDS USA Executive Board for 2009:

Chair: Joshua V. Nelson
Vice Chair: Ryan McLinko
Finance: Justin Graves
Chapter Affairs: Grant Atkinson
Expansion: Rick Hanton
Publications: Matt Cannella
Outreach: Keri Bean
Projects: Basant Sagar
High School: Keri Hancock
Webmaster: Josh Sosa
Secretary: Zeke Silva

2009 promises to be an exciting year for SEDS. 2008 saw SEDS USA expand to its largest membership level in recorded history, and we're hoping to continue that momentum well into 2009.

Clear skies,

Joshua V. Nelson
Chairman, SEDS-USA

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SEDS Awards


Congratulations to the winner of this year's SEDS Awards. They are:

Todd B. Hawley Leadership Award: Darrell Cain

Chapter of the Year Award: University of Central Florida

New Chapter of the Year Award: University of Buffalo.

Project Award: Daedalus Rocket (UCF)

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