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[Image of Venus]

6051.9 km

4.87x1024 kg

Orbital Period:
224.7 Earth days

Rotation Period:
243.0 Earth day

Distance from Sun:
108.2 million km

Venus is second planet from the Sun. It has a very thick atmosphere. The surface of Venus can only be seen with special imaging sensors. The image of Venus shown here (left) was primary created from radar imagery collected by the Magellan spacecraft.

Web Pages with Information about Venus

Astrogeology Research Program

Maps and Globes Gallery: View and download digital maps and globes of Venus, the Moon, Mars, and Jovian satellites
Browse the Solar System: Interactive version of our popular poster Mapping the Solar System
Browse the Geologic Solar System: Interactive version of our popular poster Geology of the Solar System
Planetary Maps: Searchable comprehensive listing of published planetary maps, with links to digital versions when available.
Geologic Mapping: Download digital geologic maps, learn about our geologic mapping efforts, and access geologic mapping resources from the Planetary Geologic Mapping Program
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Information about and access to the official International Astromical Union approved names for planetary features
Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satellites - IAU Working Group: IAU CCRE Working Group, information, publications, and references, including tables of the accepted values for the size, shape, and rotations of the planets and satellites
Map-a-Planet: Interactive global image map browser
NASA Planetary Photojournal: Images from various Solar System exploration programs
Planetary Maps: Download our planetary maps and other publications from USGS Geopubs - Venus
Geomatics: Maps, topography, nomenclature, geodesy, photogrammetry, photoclinometry, and GIS
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - GIS data, maps, tools, and discussion board on the PIGWAD Planetary Geographic Information Systems web site
Database of Impact Craters on Venus: Searchable listing of impact craters on Venus and information about the ongoing work
Regional Planetary Information Facility (RPIF): Information about the resources in our Regional Planetary Information Facility

Related: Missions

Other Web Sites