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[Image of Mercury]

2439.7 km

3.3x1023 kg

Orbital Period:
87.97 Earth days

Rotation Period:
58.65 Earth day

Distance from Sun:
57.91 million km

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

Web Pages with Information about Mercury

Astrogeology Research Program

Browse the Solar System: Interactive version of our popular poster Mapping the Solar System
Browse the Geologic Solar System: Interactive version of our popular poster Geology of the Solar System
Planetary Maps: Searchable comprehensive listing of published planetary maps, with links to digital versions when available.
Geologic Mapping: Download digital geologic maps, learn about our geologic mapping efforts, and access geologic mapping resources from the Planetary Geologic Mapping Program
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Information about and access to the official International Astromical Union approved names for planetary features
Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satellites - IAU Working Group: IAU CCRE Working Group, information, publications, and references, including tables of the accepted values for the size, shape, and rotations of the planets and satellites
NASA Planetary Photojournal: Images from various Solar System exploration programs
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - GIS data, maps, tools, and discussion board on the PIGWAD Planetary Geographic Information Systems web site

Related: Missions

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