The Agricultural and Food Policy Center
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Our mission
To provide unbiased and objective economic analysis of the impacts for policy alternatives on stakeholders.
Current Projects
Texas Renewable Energy Handbook - a guide for entities considering production of ethanol, biodiesel, biogas, wind power, or solar power. Issues discussed include resource availability, technology, financing, infrastructure, marketing, and government policy. Contact: Joe Outlaw
Sorghum and Feedgrains - This initiative is geared to perform timely policy and economic analysis of current issues in the sorghum and feedgrains sector. Critical issues such as alternative and renewable energy, Farm Bill, production, marketing, and trade will be analyzed to support the sorghum and feedgrains industry. Contact: George Knapek
Representative Farms - The AFPC maintains a database of agricultural operations representing the major agricultural production regions of the country. These operations are used in policy research analysis. The representative farms are updated every two years using face to face panel interviews. Types of operations include cotton, rice, feed grain, and wheat farms, cattle ranches, and dairies. Contact: George Knapek
Recent Publications
December 2008 Baseline Working Paper
December 2008 Baseline Briefing Paper
Carbons Potential for Farmers and Ranchers
Effects of Short Corn Crop Scenarios on the Likelihood of Meeting the RFS in 08/09
Wind Energy: Issues to Consider
Effects of Ethanol on Texas Food and Feed
January 2008 Baseline Working Paper
January 2008 Baseline Briefing Book
US Exotic Wildlife Industry
US Cervid Farming Industry
Texas Deer Breeding Industry
Impacts of the Administration's 2007 Farm Bill Proposal - Revised
CCP vs CCR Program
AGI Means Test on Crop Farms
Farm Program Payment Limits
Effects of Fossil Energy on US Ethanol
Ethanol from Sweet Sorghum Using the MixAlco Process
US Ethanol Production Under Alternative Policy Scenarios
Website Updated
Government Payment Calculator Now Available
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