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Flag of Norfolk Island

Few flags depict conifers. One exception is the flag of Norfolk Island (Australia), which bears the silhouette of Araucaria heterophylla. Others are the flags of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) and the U.S. state of Maine (Pinus strobus).


Lately, cell phone towers have been trying to imitate conifers. This one in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico is trying to look like an Araucaria columnaris [R. Van Pelt, Feb-2005].


New! (and still in progress, 2008.07) My Favorite Trees

Alphabetical Index of All Taxa On This Website

Database Field Descriptions

A Rationale for the Gymnosperm Database

Recent Notes on the Database
This is the 'news' page, but it's updated quite sporadically.

Review of the Gymnosperm Literature

Online Interview
with Mary Townsend, editor of Amazing Trees, a webzine

Conifers in Human Culture
This link will take you offsite to a chapter from an FAO report on nonwood forest products. Send me an email if the link ever goes dead and I'll replace it with an archive copy of the file.


Augering holes to fell the Discovery Tree, the first really big sequoia ever found, in 1852 at the Calaveras North Grove [from Tree Size Determination].

Tree Age Determination, and Roster of the Ancients
This was reprinted by the native plant societies of British Columbia, Washington and Oregon.

Tree Size Determination, and A Tale of Big Tree Hunting In California

PDF file: Forest Dynamics In A Forest-Tundra Ecotone, Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming. This is the text of my 1993 dissertation, which people sometimes request copies of. Link opens in a new window.

Anas pseudarboris, the Christmas Tree
Just for fun.

A collection of regionally focused pages:

Gymnosperms of Alta California

Conifers of Mexico

Gymnosperms of New Caledonia

Gymnosperms of Sichuan

Gymnosperms of Australia

Gymnosperms of New Zealand

Conifer Hunting In Central Mexico (2005)
This is mainly a travelogue with a lot of tree photos (mostly Pinus and Taxodium).

Conifer Hunting In Northern Mexico (2007)
This another travelogue. Currently it has a strong emphasis on the motorcycle trip aspect of it - this piece was written for the local BMW riders club newsletter. I'm still working on the conifer-lover's version.

Podocarp forests of south-west New Zealand

Biographical sketch for Thomas Kirk, New Zealand botanist

Paleobotany of Australia and New Zealand Conifers