Plant Search

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Search for a Vascular Plant Fact Sheet

In this part of the website you can search for a New Zealand vascular plant fact sheet by latinised name (e.g., Cordyline australis), by maori or common name (e.g., Cabbage tree), by family (e.g, Asparagaceae), by structural class (e.g., Monocotyledonous Tree & Shrub) or by threat category (e.g., Not Threatened). Enter text to the appropriate box and start a search.

PLEASE NOTE you should narrow your search as much as possible otherwise it may take some time for our server to complete your request. For example, when searching by Structural Class there are over 600 'Dicotyledonous Herbs other than Composites' AND over 500 'Dicotyledonous Trees & Shrubs' so this may be a slow search.

Please tell us of any mistakes you find in the text by emailing us at:

Species Search
PLEASE NOTE: You must fill in at least ONE of the fields below to start your search and REMEMBER to narrow your search as much as possible.
Search for species by Latin name or Synonym (Type whole or part of the name).
Latin name (or Synonym):
Search for species by Common name (Type whole or part Common name).
Common name:
Search for plant Family (Type whole or part Family name).
Family name:
Structural Class:
Plant Status: