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Research AreasResearch HighlightsOrganization / ContactsPublications / Awards Employment Opportunities P.O. Box 2008, 1 Bethel Valley Road
Bldg 4500S, MS-6129
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
Phone: (865) 574-4986
Fax: (865) 574-4902

Welcome to the Chemical Sciences Division (CSD) site.
CSD is a leader in chemical research and its application to issues of scientific and technological importance to the Department of Energy (DOE) and the nation. CSD conducts both fundamental and applied research using experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches. Specific areas of research include catalysis, surface science and interfacial chemistry; molecular transformations and fuel chemistry; heavy element chemistry and radioactive materials characterization; aqueous solution chemistry and geochemistry; mass spectrometry and laser spectroscopy; separations chemistry; materials chemistry including synthesis and characterization of polymers and other soft materials; chemical biosciences; and neutron science.

If you have any questions as you visit our website, please contact the division office at (865) 574-4986.

Phillip F. Britt   
Chemical Sciences Division Director

Provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Chemical Sciences Division managed
by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy
Rev: March 2006