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CABI International

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CABI Compendia - the only interactive specialist tools of their kind, right at your fingertips!

The compendium concept involves development of encyclopaedic, multimedia tools that bring together a wide range of different types of science-based information.

A team effort

Each compendium is developed in partnership with key stakeholders, and comprises information sourced from experts in each field. The compendia are edited and compiled by an independent scientific organization, updated regularly by CABI's own specialists, and resourced by a diverse International Development Consortium. Everyone involved in the development and updating processes contributes to ensuring the quality and relevance of the finished product.


"Doing the same work without CABI Compendia would be almost impossible"

- D Pearce and M Monck, Centre for International Economics, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.


How CABI Compendia can help you

These interactive diagnostic tools are designed to provide access to information about a chosen topic on a global basis with use of datasheets, distributions map and a vast collection of imagery. The huge coverage of background data means a variety of users will benefit from using the Compendia.

If you're a researcher, the dynamic softlinks from all words to relevant information provides you with an in-depth reference guide for your paper.

If you're a lecturer, the context-rich case studies from internationally respected sources means you have effective support for integrated components of your university course.

Our Collection...

Aquaculture Compendium
Draws together scientific information on all aspects of aquaculture production and health.

Animal Health and Production Compendium
Interactive database covering all aspects of animal health and production.

Crop Protection Compendium
Includes information on pests, diseases and weeds and their natural enemies, the crops that are their hosts, and the countries in which they occur.

Forestry Compendium
Multimedia tool for identification, learning about and selecting a specific tree species for trials.