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WOODSTOCK, N.Y., December 15, 2008 --/WORLD-WIRE/-- This year, with the economy in a down swing, shopping and preparing for the holidays may be more challenging than ever. Luckily, there are many ideas for saving money this holiday season that will not only help save money, but also help to save the Earth. We are beginning to see the interconnection between how reducing waste and sustaining our natural resources can affect the economy: it has even entered our politics - on “Meet the Press” last week President Elect Barack Obama talked about the benefits of everything from converting to hybrid cars to installing energy efficient lighting in schools. However, being conservative with our resources and our purchases does not have to feel like a sacrifice, there are many ways we can give to the Earth and give to each other this holiday season, creating wonderful memories and meaningful traditions for years to come.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Alternative giving:
    Rather than purchasing a gift from a store, come up with a handmade or creative gift that costs little or nothing. Here are some ideas that are both meaningful and useful to the recipient: gifts of time with creative gift "coupons" for services such as babysitting, massage, raking, weeding or cooking (or customize to the people you are giving it to: what would they most appreciate?) Consider also a priceless, personalized gift, such as writing a poem or song, making a collage or other arts and crafts projects, or putting together a family book or photo album, a hand-knit scarf or mittens, or pass along a family heirloom or jewelry.

  • Eco-friendly cards:
    Send e-mail cards or recycle last year's cards by cutting pieces out of them and gluing them to new paper.
  • Forgo wrapping paper:
    Don't buy wrapping paper this year - save trees and money by being creative and making your own using newspaper, magazines, scarves or leftover wallpaper to wrap gifts, or enclose presents in a reusable box or bag. Hide big presents under a sheet or towel and make a treasure hunt game out of it for your kids!
  • Be creative when decorating: The greenest holiday decorations are those you make yourself, such as stringing popcorn and cranberries together, or get the kids involved making the decorations out of leftover construction paper or last year's holiday cards. Better yet, let your children discover what nature has to offer: take a walk with them around your backyard to find decorative items such as pinecones, leaves, berries, and flowers (many natural decorations have the added plus of being compostable after the holidays!).

  • Get a live, replantable tree. A live, potted tree can serve your holiday needs and then beautify your yard for years into the future. A live tree provides an ongoing remembrance of the holidays, as well as cleans our air and helps protect the planet from global warming. The tree will survive indoors for about a week with ample watering, and then when you're ready, transplant it outside in a spot you have already prepared, or donate it to a school, park or community center.

  • Think practical:
    Buy and ask for practical gifts or presents that save money and resources for you or the user in the long term: a stainless steel water container, a beautiful reusable mug to bring to coffee outings, a cloth grocery tote bag to use for shopping. When buying appliances or products like computers, look for the Energy Star label, which ensures it is energy efficient and will save you money over the long term. Rather than frivolous presents, buy and ask for presents that you or others truly need.
  • Give back:
    It is especially important to think of others less fortunate this holiday season - donate gifts, clothing or leftover food to a homeless shelter (or volunteer your time) and feel the meaning of the true holiday spirit!
For more ideas and resources, visit the web site at

Happy holidays from all of us at the EcoMall!

Since its launch in November 1994, the EcoMall has provided educational articles, a comprehensive selection of environmental companies, products and services, exclusive interviews with celebrities and more. The EcoMall offers a voice to America's sustainable business industry, featuring over 300 retailers and wholesalers in over 60 shopping categories, links to government education, non-profit groups, environmental news, activism alerts, as well as the EcoMall’s popular “Green Living Magazine”. 2009 will mark the EcoMall’s 15th year on the Internet.

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