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LANL: Life at Los Alamos
New Hires to Los Alamos National Laboratory



Start Work

New Employee Orientation

OrientationOrientation for all new employees begins promptly Monday mornings at 8:30 am at the Bradbury Science Museum (667-4444) on the corner of 15th & Central Avenue. If Monday is a holiday it will be held on the following Tuesday. Check the maps for exact locations.

Laboratory Delayed Opening or Closure Due to Inclement Weather (pdf)

Documents to bring with you

  • Original Documents for verification of Employment Eligibility (see List of Acceptable Documents (pdf) and proof of US citizenship (birth certificate, passport, etc.)
  • Voided check and/or savings account documents for direct deposit
  • Two emergency contacts and their information (name, address, and telephone numbers [home and work])
  • For Benefits processing: dependent social security numbers and a copy of proof of dependent relationship (marriage/birth certificate, etc.)

Day One Orientation Schedule

8:30 – 8:35 am Welcome
8:35 – 9:35 am LANL Cultural and Historical Overview
9:35 – 9:40 am Los Alamos Chamber of Commerce
9:40 – 9:45 am Break
9:45 – 10:00 am Ethics and Compliance
10:00 – 10:10 am Ombuds
10:10 – 10:45 am New Hire Forms
10:45 – 10:50 am Break
10:50 – 11:30 am Information Security
11:30 – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 – 4:00 pm Benefits Orientation @ Otowi Building TA-3, Building 261, 667-1806 -Located at the Intersection of West Jemez Road and Casa Grande Road

Day Two Orientation Schedule

Obtain a badge from the Badge Office
Located on the second floor of the Otowi Building (photo ID and proof of US citizenship is required)
Employees with an active “L” or “Q” clearance or those in process whose clearance is being transferred from one company to another (ie Comforce to LANL) must visit the Clearance Processing Office located on the second floor of the Otowi Building, Room F200W before receiving a badge.
Note: Please be sure to read the Citizenship Verification for Uncleared US Employees Security Smart Document (pdf) before obtaining a badge.
MANDATORY - Attend General Employee Training (GET) (if applicable)
ES&H Training Center (GET Training): 505-667-0059 35 Rover Blvd., White Rock, TA-00, Building 1308
GET date will be provided to all new employees on hire date.



Additional Information for All Employees
  • Complete Initial Computer Security Briefing (course #9369) and Form 1835 (pdf). This course and form are required to obtain a Cryptocard, which enables you to set up your computer and enjoy e-mail privileges.
  • Your group administrator will submit completed Form 1835 and associated forms to the ICN accounts office.
  • Employees that completed online security training (#9369) on Monday may request that a cleared co-worker retrieve the Cryptocard on Wednesday; otherwise, the Cryptocard will be sent through interoffice mail and received Thursday or Friday.
  • After you have your badge, report to work. Contact your manager if you have any questions.
Foreign Nationals (Mandatory)
  • Visit Immigration Services (Second floor of the Otowi Building near the Badge Office).
  • Visit the LANS Tresury Pension Tax (TPT) Department to complete Statement of Citizenship and W-4 Form (TA03, Otowi Building 261, Basement Floor in Room R120).
  • Foreign National Orientation is held on Thursday (an announcement will be made if the schedule changes).
US Citizens
  • Employees who have submitted the QNSP package for a new "L" or "Q" clearance must make an appointment with SEC-PSS6 (667-7253) to have the paperwork reviewed.
  • Employees who are reinstating previous "L" or "Q" clearances must make an appointment with SEC-PSS6 (667-7253) to have the paperwork reviewed.
  • Note: Please be sure to read the Citizenship Verification for Uncleared US Employees Security Smart Document (pdf) before obtaining a badge.

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