Michael Fields Agricultural Institute

New Farmer Foundation Year

Michael Fields Agricultural Institute
East Troy, Wisconsin

"When you learn how to grow food, you learn the life skills that 80% of the world's population directly relies on. It connects you to the lifeblood of the planet and makes you part of the solution, not just an on-looker."

The New Farmer Foundation Year is an exploration into biodynamic and organic agriculture through theoretical and experiential building on core competencies and skills and agro-ecological literacy. The New Farmer Foundation Year prepares students for the challenges of farming, broadens awareness into issues of sustainable agriculture today and penetrates the human spirit with enlivened knowledge.

This four-term immersion program offers a foundation into agricultural study with the flexibility that can be balanced with personal schedules. The New Farmer Foundation Year begins February 3rd with the Pre-Season Term that emphasizes theoretical study. Our 2009 Whole Farm Workshops schedule begins February and New Farmer Foundation Year students participate in the 36 class offering which is also opened to farmers and the public for a peer-to-peer educational environment led by a Farmer Faculty representing every phase of agrarian life.

The Spring, Summer and Fall Terms are each ten-weeks long and are production oriented. The four terms in the New Farmer Foundation Year flow together to create a comprehensive agricultural literacy.  Students have the option of taking one full term of choice or completing the whole 9-month New Farmer Foundation Year.

The Foundation Year at Michael Fields is an exploration into bio-dynamic and organic agriculture through theoretical and experiential building on core competencies and skills and agro-ecological literacy. Hands-on instruction is conducted in Michael Fields’ Stella Gardens Outdoor Classroom

Read More>> Stella Gardens Outdoor Classroom at Michael Fields [pdf]
Read More>>New Farmer Foundation Year Application [pdf]


The New Farmer Foundation Year at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute is an exploration into biodynamic and organic agriculture through theoretical and experiential building on core competencies and skills and agro-ecological literacy. We offer four - 10 week terms.

Pre-Season Term: February 3 – April 10, 2009
Spring Term: April 14 – June 19, 2009
Summer Term: June 23 –August 28, 2009 
Fall Term: September 1 – November 6, 2009

Students have the option of taking one full term of choice or completing the whole 9-month New Farmer Foundation Year.

The season and needs of the crops dictate the hours worked. The curriculum begins in the classroom during the cooler weeks of the Pre-Season Term and then weaves into the outdoor experience of Stella Gardens for the Spring, Summer and Fall Terms.  Reading and lecture seminars, as well as production based workshops will be held throughout the four terms, however the majority of in-class workshops will be held during the Pre-Season Term. Schedules during the Spring, Summer and Fall allow ample time for garden management, project development, field days and cooperative instruction.
Student schedules vary during the Foundation Year. Mornings include regular chores that are followed by on and off site activities. Saturdays are half workdays, most Sundays are off days. Some workshop, CRAFT field days and special events may require student participation on weekends. Read More >>A Typical New Farmer Day or [pdf]

Pre-Season Term: February 3 - April

beekeeping Spring Term: April 14 - June 19, 2009 Summer Term: June 23 - August 28, 2009

flowers Fall Term: September 1 - November 6, 2009


New Farmer Foundation Year Curriculum is a thoughtful balance of theoretical and experiential lessons. The terms reflect true farm life. During late winter months time is spent primarily in planning and researching for the upcoming season. This Pre-Season Term focuses on the development of fundamental business skills, planning practices and farm theory. As the weather warms, outdoor experiences are woven into student schedules. Much like the schedules of farms across the world -- the seasonal needs of crops and animals dictate the New Farmer schedule. A balance is always maintained and core classes are a consistent part in each of the four terms. Participation in our 2009 Whole Farm Workshops is included in the New Farmer curriculum.

Hands-On Experience in the gardens and fields gives needed practice to become skilled stewards of the land.  Students have an integral role in the viability of the farm production. As students develop their competencies they gain more responsibility and take turns managing the needs of Stella Gardens.

Reading & Lecture Seminars Explore the philosophical issues that are the driving force behind agricultural practices. Students will read authors such as Michael Pollan, Wendal Berry, Francis and Anna Lappe, and other leading and edge thinkers. Each term there will be a focus on topics that include: Biodynamic Principles, Agro-Ecology, Food & Policy, Agriculture and Energy and Current Events and Topics. This course meets once/week for 1.5hrs.

Individual Projects
Student selected research, interviews and readings are compiled throughout their terms. This challenge enables students to explore an agricultural topic of their choice, which affects them as new farmers and as a part of the greater community. Students are given 3hrs/week to research and prepare their projects.  Project guidelines are given upon start of the program.

Cooperative Instructors
Agricultural professional from the region introduce students to their farms and offer hands-on exposure to their operations.  These opportunities include animal based farms, apple orchard, bee keeping, urban and agriculture. Students are assigned 1-2 cooperative instructors to work with twice weekly.

Contact Therese Philipp, Registrar, for further information at therese@michaelfieldsaginst.org or 262-642-3303.


Soil Fertility: The Heart of the Organism

Plants: Care & Culture from Greenhouse to Seed Saving

Animals: The Role of Animals on a Farm

Farmer Element: The Farm Individuality


Pre-Season Term      February 3 - April 10, 2009     Tuition $1,500
Spring Term             April 14 - June 19, 2009         Tuition $1,500
Summer Term          June 23 – August 28, 2009     Tuition $1,500
Fall Term                 September 1 - Nov. 6, 2009   Tuition $1,500

Tuition applies to the cost per term of participation in the New Farmer Foundation Year. The tuition is due two weeks prior to your start date. If payment arrangements are needed, contact the registrar.  Fourth-term students are eligible for financial assistance; details provided upon request.


Student housing fee is $625 per term.  Housing is limited and is filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Contact Therese Philipp, Registrar, for further information at therese@michaelfieldsaginst.org or 262-642-3303.

Read More>> New Farmer Foundation Year Application 2009 [pdf]

Read More>> 2009 Whole Farm Workshops
Read More>> Stella Gardens Outdoor Classroom at Michael Fields
Read More >>A Typical New Farmer Day or [pdf]
Read More>> New Farmer Community Living or as PDF

Michael Fields Agricultural Institute is a public, non-profit institute for education and research in sustainable agriculture, which admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin.