Agronomy Journal Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
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Agronomy Journal Editorial Board

D. Bullock
Email: dbullock{at}

American Society of Agronomy Publications

K. A. Barbarick
Email: ken.barbarick{at}

Director of Publications &
Chief Operations Officer

Frances Katz
Email: fkatz{at}

Managing Editor
Susan Ernst
Email: sernst{at}

Associate Production Editor
Carrie Czerwonka
Email: cc{at}

2008 ASA Executive Committee

K.J. Moore, President
Iowa State Univ., Ames

M.M. Alley, President-Elect
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg

J.L. Hatfield, Past President
National Soil Tilth Lab, Ames, IA

Ellen G. M. Bergfeld, Chief Executive Officer
ASA-CSSA-SSSA Heaquarters
Madison, WI

Electronic ISSN: 1435-0645
Business & Editorial Offices at: 677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 53711. Phone 608-273-8080. Fax 608-273-2021.


Board Members

M.R. Abney
V. Acosta-Martinez
T. Allen
J.G. Andrae
D.W. Archer
K.S. Balkcom
M.R. Banerjee
J. Bang
D.J. Barker
P.W. Bartholomew
B. Basso
P. Bauer
L. Bechini
C.W. Bednarz
D.K. Benbi
J.S. Bergtold
V. Bhosekar
G.D. Binford
A. Boe
G.A. Bollero
L. Borras
I.S. Braden
M.A. Brick
K.F. Bronson
H.A. Bruns
D.S. Bullock
P.A. Burgener
F.J. Calderon
J.J. Camberato
W. Cao
K. Cassida
C. Chen
C.Y. Chen
E. Clawson
D. Clay
S.A. Clay
E.E. Codling
J. Coulter
W.J. Cox
W.T. Crow
C.R. Crozier
T.D. Davis
T. Doerge
H. Dong
L.J. du Toit
T. Duvnjak
A. Dyer
N. Eash
W.R. Effland
T. Ellsworth
E.H. Ervin
P.D. Esker
V.A. Fasoula
D.S. Fisher
G.N. Flerchinger
D.D. Francis
A. Gazanchian
R.J. Gehl
N. Gift
K. Girma Desta
Barry Glaz
C.B. Godsey
H.T. Gollany
J. Gore
P.H. Gowda
P.R. Grace
G. Gramig
R.F. Grant
S.M. Griffith
M. Gygax
A.G. Hager
F.J. Haile
C. Hamel
S. Hansen
J.C. Hanson
J. Hatfield


B. Henry
J.A. Hernandez
D.L. Holshouser
Y. Hu
B. Huang
E.R. Hunt, Jr.
T.M. Hurley
J.D. Jabro
W. Jaeger
D.J. Jardine
Q. Jiang
B.L. Johnson
J. Johnson
D.L. Jones
S. Kachman
D.E. Karcher
A.R. Kemanian
K.C. Kersebaum
J.R. Kiniry
N. Kitchen
M.D. Kleinhenz
R.T. Koenig
F. Kopisch-Obuch
R.J. Kratochvil
A.N. Kravchenko
K. Kumar
J.E. Kurle
P.M. Kyveryga
A.O. Lansink
R.J. Lascano
W.F. Lazarus
D. Lee
R.H. Leep
F.-M. Li
R. Lin
A.S. Lithourgidis
H. Liu
J.A. Lory
N.Z. Lupwayi
D.J. Lyon
B. Ma
L. Ma
A.L. Maas
J.W. MacAdam
S. Machado
B. Macoon
G.A. Maddonni
P.S.A. Mäkelä
B. Mandal
M.A. Marchant
N. Martín
S.W. Martin
H.J. Mascagni
R. Massey
J.S. McElroy
J.E. McLain
D.W. Meek
N. Meki
K. Metselaar
F. Miguez
G.L. Miller
J.S. Miller
R.L. Miller
T.G. Mueller
E.J. Mukhwana
R. Mullen
J.P. Muir
D.C. Nielsen
R.C. Nuti
D. O'Brien
S.O. Oikeh
K.D. Olson
B. Ortiz
S.L. Osborne


S. Pasakdee
J. Pataky
A. Pavlista
C.G.S. Pedreira
S. Petrie
D. Philipp
S.R.M. Pinson
M. Popp

A. Ram
R. Rao Mathur
A.L. Rayburn
P.L. Raymer
F.G. Renaud
S.J. Riha
G.B. Reddy
M.R. Reed
W.D. Rosenthal
U. Sainju
M.J. Schlossberg
P. Seguin
G.E. Shaner
E. Silva
J.W. Singer
G. Siri-Prieto
K.R. Sistani
N. Smith
R.G. Smith
S.S. Snapp
S.A. Staggenborg
D.E. Stott
P.K. Subudhi
K. Sudduth
D.G. Sullivan
A.A. Szogi
D. Tarkalson
J. Taylor
T.H. Terrill
H. Tewolde
W.E. Thomason
C.R. Thompson
P. Timper
B.S. Tubana
H. Urcola
F.K. Van Evert
M.B. Vanotti
T.T. VanToai
M. Villamil
T.J. Vyn
A.M. Wadia
C. Wagner-Riddle
B.L. Waldron
G.W. Wall
T.W. Walker
F.C. Waltz, Jr.
J.G. Warren
O. Wendroth
A. Westphal
S.L. Weyers
J.K. Whalen
J.G. White
P. Wiatrak
J.J. Wiersma
R.D. Williams
C.S. Wortmann
A.L. Wright
L. Wu
K. Yeater
J.P. Yenish
X. Yin
Q. Yu
H. Zhang

Publisher Information

Published bimonthly by the American Society of Agronomy. Periodicals postage paid at Madison, WI, and at additional mailing offices. Forms close 20 days prior to issuance of each number.

Subscription rates, nonmember (international rates in parentheses): $635 ($683) per year. Single back issues $100 ($115) per issue. Complete sets of most back volumes are available at $550 ($598) per volume. For back volumes, payment in advance is required on orders from outside the USA. Further subscription information and an ordering form can be found at

New subscriptions, renewals, and new memberships that include Agronomy Journal begin with the January-February number of the current volume, except that after 1 October there is the option of beginning with the next volume. Subscriptions, renewals, and membership fees for the current volume and orders for back volumes should be sent to the American Society of Agronomy, 677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 53711, USA (tel. 608-273-8080). Changes of address should be received by the 1st of the month in which they are to take effect. Claims for copies that fail to reach paid subscribers must be received by Agronomy Journal within 90 days of the publication date for domestic subscribers, and within 26 weeks for international subscribers.

Publication charges are assessed to authors who publish in Agronomy Journal. There is a flat publication fee per manuscript of $450 for members of ASA, CSSA, or SSSA and $700 for nonmembers.
For papers submitted on or after 1 Jan. 2008: (1) To qualify for member rates, the corresponding author must be an active, emeritus, certification, sustaining member representative, graduate student, or dues-paying undergraduate student member of ASA on the date the manuscript is accepted for publication. (2) The page charge is $80 per page for pages one through six, and $175 for each page beyond six. Nonmembers are assessed an additional charge of $100. Tables and black-and-white figures cost $10 each. Color figures cost an additional $500 per journal page. Author alterations after a paper has been typeset are $5 per line.

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Articles of original research findings in soil-plant relationships; crop science; soil science; biometry; crop, soil, pasture, and range management; crop, forage, and pasture production and utilization; turfgrass; agroclimatology; agronomic models; integrated pest management; integrated agricultural systems; and various aspects of production agriculture are published in Agronomy Journal , subsequent to critical review and approval by the editorial board. Notes are published about apparatus, experimental techniques, and observations (usually limited to studies or reports of unique phenomena or circumstances). Forum contributions relate to current agronomic issues and questions, in brief, thought-provoking form, and Review and Interpretation papers look extensively at a scientific topic through comprehensive interpretation of the literature. Letters to the Editor are published subject to approval of the editor. The editorial board does not approve for publication manuscripts that have been previously or simultaneously submitted to another publication. Submit manuscripts electronically at Manuscript Central, Instructions to authors are published online at and in most issues of Agronomy Journal on a space-available basis. The full Publications Handbook and Style Manual is available online at

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Advertising: The journal accepts advertising. For information contact Alexander Barton at abarton{at} or 847-698-5069.

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Copyright © 2008 by the American Society of Agronomy.