Young Professionals at ORNL (YPO)

The YPO (Young Professionals at ORNL) is a group of professionals working at ORNL (staff, contractors, post-docs, post-masters, interns, etc.) who are the next generation of leadership at the most prestigious national laboratory in the country. Our goal is to connect the distributed individuals throughout the laboratory for social and recreational activities to encourage increased participation in ORNL activities, instill a sense of camaraderie, and to assist our fellow peers in a new environment!

Everyone is welcome – there is no longer an excuse to sit at home bored on the weekends or eat lunch alone at your desk every day.  Do you want to discover Knoxville, explore the Smokey Mountains, watch a Tennessee Smokies baseball game, attend a play or opera, or just meet new friends that are single, married, or have families?  Then join us at any number of events or activities that are showcased on the YPO Calendar of Events.  If there is something around town that you enjoy and you’d like to introduce it to others, send us an email and we can help you organize it.

Some interesting links:


If you’d like more information contact any of the following:

·      April McMillan              241-4554;

·      Claudio Gariazzo           576-9981;

·      Kevin Clarno                 241-1894;

·      Shannon Morgan           576-6023,

·      Hatice Akkurt                576-9143;

·      Hal Lovett                     576-6708;

·      Bernadette Kirk              574-6176;