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Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Support of the
Federal Energy Management Program
Program Manager: Patrick Hughes

The mission of the U.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) is to reduce the cost and environmental impact of the federal government by advancing energy efficiency and water conservation, promoting the use of distributed and renewable energy and improving utility management decisions at federal sites. FEMP relies on ORNL and other national labs to carry out its programs and provide expert assistance to federal agencies working to reduce their energy use and costs. The ORNL team plays prominent roles in FEMP’s programs focused on

Technical Assistance Activities
To help agencies maximize the benefits of their energy projects, FEMP provides assistance such as energy audits, design assistance, technical review of designs and specifications, and a wide array of tools and resources. The highly qualified ORNL-FEMP team has applied their skills to energy projects at federal facilities around the world.
ORNL contact: Kirby Wilcher,
865-574-0429, wilcherkl@ornl.gov

Examples of ORNL Technical Assistance Efforts:
New Technology
Demonstration Program
This FEMP program introduces new energy-efficient technologies to the federal sector to accelerate their deployment by agencies seeking to reduce their energy use and costs and meet their energy goals. Coordinated by an Interlaboratory Council comprising ORNL and three other national labs, the program demonstrates new technologies and brings their energy- and cost-saving benefits to the attention of the federal sector.
ORNL contact: Julia Kelley,
865-574-1013, kelleyjs@ornl.gov

Here are ORNL's most recent contributions to the New Technology Demonstration Program:
Combined Cooling,
Heat and Power Core Team
ORNL is FEMP’s lead laboratory for CHP technology and the home of the FEMP CHP Core Team. This program is part of DOE’s comprehensive effort to promote the use of CHP technologies to realize their potential benefits in federal facilities. CHP technologies are a subset of distributed energy resources, which are sources of electric power generation other than conventional large-scale central-station power plants. CHP systems combine on-site power generation with the recovery and use of waste heat for making steam, heating or chilling water, or compressed air.
ORNL contact: Kirby Wilcher,
865-574-0429, wilcherkl@ornl.gov

FEMP CHP Quick Screening Form
Want an estimate of CHP economics at your federal site? FEMP's data entry form requires only minimal input from facility managers--just fill in the requested information and submit the form via email or fax.
This initial screening helps determine if more detailed analysis for CHP potential at your facility is worth the effort. Analysis is recommended for facilities having significant thermal power needs and more than 1 MW of average electric demand. On the form, please indicate to whom we should send the resulting analysis and report.
Below are two
Example Screening Reports for generic sites:
Gas Turbine option assessed PDF Format
Internal Combustion Engine option assessed PDF Format

Energy Security and EUL for DG/CHP
Project Financing

FEMP provides a wide range of resources to help agencies use private-sector financing for their energy projects. ORNL-FEMP Project Facilitators are experienced guides who can lead agencies through the process of financing and implementing projects using Utility Energy Service Contracts (UESCs) or DOE’s Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts (Super ESPCs).
ORNL contact: Julia Kelley,
865-574-1013, kelleyjs@ornl.gov

Working Groups Reporting to the Federal ESPC Steering Committee

Geothermal Heat Pump
Core Team

ORNL is the home of FEMP’s GHP Core Team, which offers world-class technical expertise and assistance with GHP projects and technologies.
ORNL Contact: John Shonder,
865-574-2015, shonderja@ornl.gov

General Information

For GHP Designers/Installers

Industrial Facilities Program

ORNL is handling day-to-day management of FEMP's Industrial Facilities program. Through it's collaboration with DOE's Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT), FEMP's Industrial Facilities Program is making OIT's widely recognized technical expertise available to federal facilities. FEMP offers plant-wide assessment of energy, waste, and productivity, plus energy analyses for targeted systems.
ORNL contact: Melissa Madgett,
865-576-3373, madgettmg@ornl.gov

Manufacturers looking for assistance with energy-related plant technologies may now consult the National Inventory of Manufacturing assistance Programs (NIMAP). The database, created by the Alliance to Save Energy for DOE's Office of Industrial Technologies, provides a state-by-state listing of programs that provide plant assessments, rebates, financing, consulting, diagnostic tools, and other assistance to manufacturers. Services, mostly free of charge, are those provided primarily by state organizations and utilities. The full NIMAP database is available here.

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a multi-program research and development facility
managed by UT-Battelle LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Last Revised: Tuesday, March 6, 2007 7:36 AM