ORNL: Science & Technology: High Performance Computing

Terascale Computing Terascale Computing
At ORNL we are constantly pushing the limits of innovation in high-performance computing, bringing the biggest, fastest, and newest systems to bear on problems of national importance.
High Performance Storage Systems High Performance Storage Systems
Big problems have massive data requirements. ORNL's separate production and research storage systems allow us to push the frontiers in storage system research while continuing to provide state-of-the-art service to our user community.
Networking Research High Performance Networking Research
Whether connecting a single user to a supercomputer, or connecting heterogeneous systems together across the country, ORNL is on the leading edge of networking research.
Software Tools and Applied Mathematics Software Tools and Applied Mathematics
ORNL develops and distributes the tools needed for researchers to make optimum use of computing resources--from collaborative tools like the electronic notebook to leading numerical libraries.
Visualization Visualization
Sometimes words and numbers aren't enough, so ORNL researchers are provided with the latest tools to build experience, and manipulate virtual worlds, from immersive viewing to haptic devices.
Virtual Lab Virtual Labs
For connecting to the real world, ORNL has developed interfaces to instruments and experiments. This provides researchers worldwide with remote access to specialized equipment.

HPC: Terascale | Storage | Networking | Tools | Viz | Virtual Lab
SS: Environment | Engineering | Physics/Chemistry | Experiment | Biology | Nano/Neutron
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This subject tree provided and maintained by Computer Science and Mathematics (CSM) Division
URL http://www.csm.ornl.gov/newHPC.html
Updated: Tuesday, 12-Sep-2000 10:25:59 EDT