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Kew staff publications - Economic Botany

(Economic Botany staff in bold) A comprehensive list of Kew publications, including those by other Sustainable Uses staff, is given in each annual report.


O.M. Grace, M.S.J. Simmonds, G.F. Smith, A.E. van Wyk. 2008. Therapeutic uses of Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) in southern Africa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology DOI 10.1016/j.jep.2008.07.002

O.M. Grace, T. Kokubun, N.C. Veitch, M.S.J. Simmonds. 2008. Characterisation of a nataloin derivative from Aloe ellenbeckii, a maculate species from east Africa. South African Journal of Botany 74(4): 761-763. DOI: 10.1016/j.sajb.2008.06.004

O.M Grace, D.J. Borus and C.H. Bosch. 2008. Vegetable oils of Tropical Africa: conclusions and recommendations based on PROTA 14: Vegetable Oils. Nairobi: PROTA Foundation. Order


Cook, F.E.M. 2007. What's in the pack? Palm potpourri ingredients. Palms 51 (3): 127-137.

Edwards, S.; Leon, C. 2007. Isotrema manshuriense: Aristolochiaceae. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 24(2): 86-92. Abstract

Grace, O.M. & Sands, M.J.S. Balanites maughamii Sprague. In: Van Der Vossen H, Oyen L (eds) Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 14. Vegetable Oils. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands; Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. Read article


Evers, A., and M. Nesbitt. 2006. "Cereals," in The encyclopedia of seeds: science, technology and uses. Edited by M. Black, J. D. Bewley, and P. Halmer, pp. 65-70. Wallingford: CABI. Download PDF

Farah, M.H., Olsson, S., Bate, J., Lindquist, M., Edwards, R., Simmonds, M.S.J., Leon, C., de Boer, H.J., Thulin, M. 2006. Botanical nomenclature in pharmacovigilance and a recommendation for standardisation. Drug Safety 29(11): 1023-1029. Abstract.

Leon, C.J., Simmonds, M.S.J., Lin, Y.L., Zhang, B. & Chen, S. (2006). Authenticating Chinese medicinal plants on the UK market: Issues, needs and developments. Drug Safety 29(4): 347-347. Abstract

Nesbitt, M. 2006. Identification guide for Near Eastern grass seeds. London: Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 129pp. Extract Purchase

Harcup, C. and Nesbitt, M. 2006. Attaining the Holy Grail: How to encourage wider engagement with museum collections through participation in new media projects. Museums and the Web Conference. Read paper online

Nesbitt, M. 2006. "Archaeobotany," in The encyclopedia of seeds: science, technology and uses. Edited by M. Black, J. D. Bewley, and P. Halmer, pp. 20-22. Wallingford: CABI. Download PDF

Nesbitt, M. 2006. "Ethnobotany," in The encyclopedia of seeds: science, technology and uses. Edited by M. Black, J. D. Bewley, and P. Halmer, pp. 227-229. Wallingford: CABI. Download PDF

M. Savard, M. Nesbitt, M.K. Jones. 2006. The role of wild grasses in subsistence and sedentism: new evidence from the northern Fertile Crescent. World Archaeology 38(2): 179-196. Download PDF


Grace, O. M., Staden, J. van, Jäger, A. K., Prendergast, H.D.V. 2005. Authentication of barks used in South African traditional healthcare with Thin Layer Chromatography. Quality, efficacy, safety, processing and trade in MAPs. Proceedings of WOCMAP III: The Third World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 3-7 February, 2003. Volume 5. Acta Horticulturae, 679: 71-74. Abstract

McGaw, L., Jäger, A.K., Grace, O., Fennel, C. & Van Staden, J. (2005). Medicinal Plants. Pp 67-83. In: Van Niekerk, A. (ed) Ethics in Agriculture: an African perspective. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Seal, A.J., Creeke, P.I., Mirghani, Z., Abdalla, F., McBurney, R.P., Pratt, L.S., Brookes, D., Ruth, L.J., Marchand, E. (2005) Iron and Vitamin A deficiency in Long-Term African Refugees Journal of Nutrition 135: 808-813. Abstract

Nesbitt, M. 2005. Plant Cultures. GrowthPoint: Journal of Social and Therapeutic Horticulture 103: 9. Download PDF

Nesbitt, M. 2005. "Grains," in The cultural history of plants. Edited by G. Prance and M. Nesbitt, pp. 45-60. New York: Routledge. Download PDF

Prance, G., and M. Nesbitt. Editors. 2005. The cultural history of plants. New York: Routledge, 452pp.

Pearman, G. 2005. "Nuts, seeds, and pulses," in The cultural history of plants. Edited by G. Prance and M. Nesbitt, pp. 133-152. New York: Routledge.

Renfrew, J. M., and H. Sanderson. 2005. "Herbs and vegetables," in The cultural history of plants. Edited by G. Prance and M. Nesbitt, pp. 97-131. New York: Routledge.

Sanderson, H. 2005. "Roots and tubers," in The cultural history of plants. Edited by G. Prance and M. Nesbitt, pp. 61-76. New York: Routledge.


Connolly, M., McCune, J., Dauncey, E., Lovell, C.R. 2004. Primula obconica - is contact allergy on the decline? Contact Dermatitis 51: 167-171. Download PDF

Bornman CH, Grace, O.M. and Van Staden, J. (2004) Sustainable biotechnology for sub-Saharan Africa: can it be implemented and maintained? South African Journal of Botany 70 (1): 1-11 Abstract

Clarkson, C., Maharaj, V.J., Crouch, N.R., Grace, O.M., Pillay, P., et al. (2004) In vitro antiplasmodial activity of medicinal plants native to or naturalised in South Africa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 92(2-3):177-191. Abstract

Fennel CW, Lindsey KL, McGaw LJ, Sparg SG, Stafford GI, Elgorashi EE, Grace OM, Van Staden J (2004) Assessing African medicinal plants for efficacy and safety: pharmacological screening and toxicology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 94: 205-217. Abstract

Jager, A.K., McGaw, L.-J., Grace, O.M. & Van Staden, J. (2004) Bioprospecting of forest and woodland plant species used in Zulu traditional medicine. Pp 493-516. In: Lawes, M.J., Eeley, H.A.C., Shackleton, C.M. & Geach, B.G.S. (eds) Indigenous Forests and Woodlands in South Africa: Policy, People and Practice. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Scottsville, South Africa. Details

Langlois A, Mulholland DA, Crouch NR, Grace OM. 2004. Aporphine alkaloid from Papaver aculeatum (sect. Horrida; Papaveraceae) of southern Africa. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 32(11): 1087-1990 Abstract

Nigro, S.A., Makunga, N.P. and Grace, O.M. (2004) Medicinal plants at the ethnobotany-biotechnology interface in Africa. South African Journal of Botany 70 (1): 89-96 Abstract

McBurney, R.P.H., Griffin, C., Paul, A.A. & Greenberg, D.C. (2004). The nutritional composition of African wild food plants: from compilation to utilisation. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 17 (3-4): 277-289. Abstract

Nesbitt, M. 2004. Can we identify a centre, a region, or a supra-region for Near Eastern plant domestication? Neo-Lithics 2004:38-40. Download PDF

Ozimec, B., R.Y. Smith and H.D.V. Prendergast. (2004) The Canadian ethnographic collections of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. American Indian Art Magazine 29(2): 50-59. Download PDF

Prendergast, H.D.V. & Sanderson, H. (2004). Britain's wild harvest. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Edwards HG, de Oliveira LF, Prendergast HD (2004) Raman spectroscopic analysis of dragon's blood resins-basis for distinguishing between Dracaena (Convallariaceae), Daemonorops (Palmae) and Croton (Euphorbiaceae). Analyst 129(2):134-8. Abstract

Steele, J. (2004) Plant Cultures: botanical collections and the celebration of British Asian heritage. NatSCA News 2004(3): 16-18.


Dauncey, E. A. 2003. A taxonomic revision of Dendrobium section Pedilonum (Orchidaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany 7(2): 151-320

Cooper, M.R., Johnson, A.W. and Dauncey, E.A. 2003. Poisonous Plants and Fungi. An Illustrated Guide. TSO: London.

Grace, O.M. and Van Staden, J. (2003) A horticultural history of Lachenalia (Hyacinthaceae). South African Journal of Science 99(11-12): 526-530. Abstract

Grace OM, Prendergast HDV, Van Staden J, Jager AK. 2003 The suitability of Thin Layer Chromatography for authenticating bark medicines used in South African traditional healthcare. South African Journal of Botany 69(2): 1-5. Abstract

Grace OM, Prendergast HDV, Jager AK, et al. (2003) Bark medicines used in traditional healthcare in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: An inventory. South African Journal of Botany 69 (3): 301-363. Abstract

Hastings, L.H. 2003. A revision of Rhapis, the lady palms Palms 47(1): 62-78

Geoffrey C. Kite, Melanie-Jayne R. Howes, Christine J. Leon, Monique S. J. Simmonds. 2003. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry of malonyl-ginsenosides in the authentication of ginseng. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17(3): 238-244. Abstract

Leon, Christine (2003). Herbal Authentication Resources and Research: an update from CMPAC, Kew. RCHM Journal, October pp. 7-9.

Leon, C., Simmonds, M.S.J., Lin YuLin, Zhang Bengang, Xie Chen and Shaw, D. 2002. Quality control systems for Chinese medicinal plants: can they benefit conservation? Proc. Third International Conference on Application of High - New Science and Technology in Biodiversity Conservation and Utilisation. Conservation of Medicinal Plant Diversity and Sustainable Utiisation, Beijing. 22-24 May 2002. pp.315- 323.

Leon, C. 2003. Medicinal plant collecting in China; Kew’s latest quest for reference samples. Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine News, February :3-7.

License, O. 2003. Présentation de la collection du genre Vanilla du Centre for Economic Botany, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (G. B.). L’Orchidophile 156: 61-68. Download PDF

McBurney, R. and Davis, S. 2003. African Wild Harvest: linking the fields of botany, nutrition, relief and development. In Schmelzer, G.H. and Omino, E.A. (eds), Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. Proceedings of the First PROTA International Workshop, 23-25 September 2002, Nairobi, Kenya. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands.Pp. 308-309.

McBurney, R. 2003. Micronutrients - a field perspective. Health Exchange (May 2003): 15-17.

Nesbitt, M., S. Colledge, & M.A. Murray. 2003. Organisation and management of seed reference collections. Environmental Archaeology 8(1): 77-84. Download PDF

Howell G. M. Edwards, Luiz F. C. de Oliveira and Mark Nesbitt 2003. Fourier-transform Raman characterization of brazilwood trees and substitutes. Analyst 128 (1): 82 - 87. Abstract

Martinoli, D., and M. Nesbitt. 2003. Plant stores at Pottery Neolithic Höyücek, southwest Turkey. Anatolian Studies 53: 17-32. Download PDF

Powell, M. A., and M. Nesbitt. 2003. "Obst und Gemüse (Fruits and vegetables)," in Reallexikon der Assyriologie, vol. 10(1/2). Edited by G. Frantz-Szabó, pp. 26-30. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

Riehl, S., and M. Nesbitt. 2003. "Crops and cultivation in the Iron Age Near East: change or continuity?," in From Bronze to Iron Ages in Anatolia and its Neighbouring Regions. Edited by B. Fischer, H. Genz, É. Jean, and K. Köroglu, pp. 301-314. Istanbul: Ege Yayinlari. Download PDF

Savard, M., Nesbitt, M. & Gale, R. (2003). Archaeobotanical evidence for early Neolithic diet and subsistence at M'lefaat (Iraq). Paléorient 29 (1): 93-106. Download PDF

Mori, N., T. Ishii, T. Ishido, S. Hirosawa, H. Watatani, T. Kawahara, M. Nesbitt, G. Belay, S. Takumi, Y. Ogihara, and C. Nakamura. 2003. Origin of domesticated emmer and common wheat inferred from chloroplast DNA fingerprinting. In 10th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, vol. 5, pp. 25-28. Rome: Istituto Sperimentale Cerealicoltura.

Pearman, G. and Davis, S. 2003. UK research into plant resources in tropical Africa. In Schmelzer, G.H. and Omino, E.A. (eds), Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. Proceedings of the First PROTA International Workshop, 23-25 September 2002, Nairobi, Kenya. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp. 200-206.

Prendergast, H.D.V. and Sanderson, H. 2003. Target 13: the decline of plant resources, and associated indigenous and local knowledge innovations and practices, that support sustainable livelihoods, local food security and health care, halted. Conference working paper in Plant diversity challenge. The global strategy for plant conservation in the UK, pp. 53-57. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Plantlife, and Royal Botanic Gardens. Kew.

Smith, Robin Y. 2003. Connecting Museum Collections and Archival Documents: Willow Fishing Nets from the Northwest Territories of Canada. Economic Botany 57(1): 3–6. Download PDF


Grace, O.M. and Davis, S.D. 2002. Kigelia africana (Lam.)Benth. In Oyen, L.P.A. and Lemmens, R.H.M.J. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. Precursor. PROTA Programme, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Pp. 99-102. (Also published in French in Ressources végétales de l'Afrique tropicale. Précurseur. PROTA Programme, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Pp. 111-116.)

Oyen, L.P.A. and Lemmens, R.H.M.J. (Editors). 2002. Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. Precursor. PROTA Programme, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 187 pp. (Associate Editors: S.D.Davis, M. Chauvet and J.S. Siemonsma.) (Also published in French as Ressources végétales de l'Afrique tropicale. Précurseur. PROTA Programme, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 207 pp.)

Davis, S., Prendergast, H.D.V., Stickler, T. 2002. Recycling is no good for sustainable development. Oryx 36(2): 103-104. Download PDF

Leon, C. 2002. Chinese Medicinal Plant Authentication Centre. RCHM News (May): 15-16.

Kite G.C., Yule M.A., Leon C., Simmonds M.S.J. 2002. Detecting aristolochic acids in herbal remedies by liquid chromatography/serial mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 16(6): 585-590

McBurney, R. (2002). African Wild Harvest project. Field Exchange (Emergency Nutrition Network journal, Dublin) Issue 16 (August 2002): 10.

McCune J, Prendergast HDV (2002) Betula makes music in Europe: Three birch horns from Kew's economic botany collections Economic Botany 56 (4): 303-305 Download PDF

Nesbitt, M. 2002 When and where did domesticated cereals first occur in southwest Asia? in The dawn of farming in the Near East, R. Cappers and S. Bottema, Editors. 2002, Ex Oriente: Berlin. p. 113-132. Download PDF

de Oliveira, L.F.C., Edwards, H.G.M., Velozo, E.S. and Nesbitt, M. 2002. Vibrational spectroscopic study of brazilin and brazilein, the main constituents of brazilwood from Brazil. Vibrational Spectroscopy 28: 243-249. Download PDF

Cope, T. and Nesbitt, M.. 2002. Lygeum spartum. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 19(1): 35-39. Download PDF

Clennett, C., Harvey, Y. Pearman, G. 2002. Edgeworthia chrysantha. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 19(1): 19-27. Abstract

Pearman, G. 2002. Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. In Oyen, L.P.A. and Lemmens, R.H.M.J. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. Precursor. PROTA Programme, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Pp. 72-75. (Also published in French in Ressources végétales de l'Afrique tropicale. Précurseur. PROTA Programme, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Pp. 81-84.) Link to article

Prendergast, H.D.V. 2002. Papyrus, Paper and Paper Making: A View of Kew’s Economic Botany Collections. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 19(2): 126-144 Download PDF

Grace, O.M., Prendergast, H.D.V., van Staden, J., Jager, A.K. 2002. The status of bark in South African traditional health care. South African Journal of Botany 68 (1): 21-30 Abstract

Prendergast, H.D.V. 2002. Useful marine monocots - more collections than data? Economic Botany 56: 110-112. Download PDF

Prendergast, H.D.V. and Steele, J. 2002. Changes with willow in North Atlantic ana- and catadromous fish traps. Economic Botany 56: 219-222. Download PDF

Simpson, D. and Sanderson, H. 2002. Eichhornia crassipes. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 19(1): 28-34. Abstract

Clennett, C. and Sanderson, H. 2002. Betula papyrifera. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 19(1): 40-48. Abstract

Sanderson, H. and Prendergast, H.D.V. 2002. Commercial uses of wild and traditionally managed plants in England and Scotland. Countryside Agency, English Nature and Scottish Natural Heritage.

Servaes, C.D. and Prendergast, H.D.V. 2002. Out of the Museum Darkness: A Mid-19th Century Bark Drawing from Victoria, Australia. Economic Botany 56(1): 6-9.

Turner, J., Mathew, B. and Lock, M. 2002. Musa basjoo. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 19(1): 49-54. Abstract


Hastings, L. 2001. The right stuff [Potpourri]. Kew Winter: 8-9. Download PDF Large file (9 MB)

Nesbitt, M. and Postgate, J.N. 2001. "Nuss und Verwandtes (nuts)", in Reallexikon der Assyriologie. Vol 9(7/8).. Edited by G. Frantz-Szabó, pp. 633-635. Berlin: de Gruyter. [In English]

Nesbitt, M. 2001. Wheat evolution: integrating archaeological and biological evidence. In Caligari, P.D.S. & Brandham, P.E. (eds.), Wheat taxonomy: the legacy of John Percival, 37-59. London: Linnean Society, Linnean Special Issue 3. Download PDF

Nesbitt, M. and Hajioff, R. 2001. Notes and queries: argan oil. Petits Propos Culinaires 67: 121-124.

Pearson, J. and Prendergast, H.D.V. 2001. Daemonorops, Dracaena and other dragon's blood. Economic Botany 55: 474-477. Download PDF

Rostant, L. and Prendergast, H.D.V. Conservation of a Phoenix Raincape from The Philippines. Economic Botany 55: 341-343. Download PDF

Zappi, D. and Turner, J. 2001. Eriobotrya japonica. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 18(2): 108-113. Abstract

Prendergast, H.D.V. and Dolley, D. 2001. Jesuits' bark (Cinchona (Rubiaceae)) and other medicines. Economic Botany 55: 3-6. Download PDF

Prendergast, H.D.V., Jaeschke, H. and Rumball, N. 2001. A lacquer legacy at Kew: the Japanese collection of John J. Quin. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 100p. Details

Prendergast, H.D.V. and Pearman, G. 2001. Comparing uses and collections - the example of Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. [Sapindaceae]. Economic Botany 55: 184-186. Download PDF


Dauncey, E.A. (ed.) 2000. Poisonous plants and fungi in Britain and Ireland. Interactive identification systems on CD-ROM. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens & London: Guy's & Thomas' Hospital Trust.

Kite, G.C., Lawrence, T.J. and Dauncey, E.A. 2000. Detecting Taxus poisoning in horses using liquid chromatography/mass spectometry. Vet. Hum. Toxicol. 42(3): 151-154.

Southgate, H.J., Egerton, M. and Dauncey, E.A. 2000. Lessons to be learned: a case study approach. Unseasonal severe poisoning of two adults by deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna). Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health 120(2): 127-130.

Leon, C. 2000. What should be the priorities of SEB? Economic Botany 54: 252.

Farah, M. H., Edwards, R., Lindquist, M., Leon, C. and Shaw, D. 2000. International monitoring of adverse health effects associated with herbal medicines. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 9: 105-112.

Nesbitt, M., and S. O'Hara. 2000. "Irrigation agriculture in Central Asia: a long-term perspective from Turkmenistan," in The archaeology of drylands: living at the margin. Edited by G. Barker and D. Gilbertson, pp. 103-122. London: Routledge. Download PDF

Pearman, G. and Prendergast, H.D.V. 2000. Items from the lacebark tree Lagetta lagetto (W.Wright) Nash (Thymelaeaceae) from the Caribbean. Economic Botany 54: 4-6. Download PDF

Griggs, P., Prendergast, H.D.V. and Rumball, N. 2000. Plants+People. An exhibition of items from the Economic Botany Collections. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 64 pp. More details from

Prendergast, H.D.V. 2000. Travels of a wooden book. Kew Spring: 4-5.

Prendergast, H.D.V. and Decker-Walters, D.S. 2000. Preserving the gourd perspective (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. [Cucurbitaceae]). Economic Botany 54: 424-426. Download PDF

Prendergast, H.D.V., Kennedy, M.J., Webby, R.F., and Markham, K.R. 2000. Pollen cakes of Typha spp. [Typhaceae] - 'Lost' and living food. Economic Botany 54:254-255.

Prendergast, H.D.V. and Rumball, N. 2000. Walking sticks as seed savers – the case of the Jersey Kale [Brassica oleracea L. convar. acephala (DC.) Alef. var. viridis L.]. Economic Botany 54: 101-103.

Strickland, N. & Sanderson, H. 2000. My unfortunate experience: eating a manchineel (beach apple) in the Caribbean. British Medical Journal 321: 428. Link to article


Barrow, S. 1999. Systematic studies in Phoenix L. (Palmae: Coryphoideae). In Henderson, A. & Borchsenius, F. (Eds), Evolution, variation, and classification of palms. Papers from a meeting held at The New York Botanical Garden, June 18-20 1997. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden. Vol. 83. The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx.

Leon, C. 1999. Know your magnolias from your skull caps. China Review 13: 22-23.

Araujo, F. D. de, Prendergast, H. D. V. and Mayo, S. J. (Editors). 1999. Plantas do Nordeste. Anais do I workshop geral. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 150 pp.

Prendergast, H. D. V. 1999. Review of Non-timber forest products of East Kalimantan by J. L. C. H. van Valkenburg. Kew Bulletin 54: 507-508.

Prendergast, H. D. V.., Davis, S. D. and Way, M. 1999. Dryland plants and their uses. In D. Posey (Comp., Ed.), Cultural and spiritual values of biodiversity, 233-235. Intermediate Technology Publications, London for United Nations Environment Programme.

Kirkup, D., Dransfield, J. & Sanderson, H. 1999. The rattans of Brunei Darussalam interactive key on CD-ROM. Department of Forestry, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Brunei Darussalam & Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.


Barrow, S. (1998). Palm resources in the Centre for Economic Botany, Kew. Principes 42: 140-144. Download PDF

Barrow, S. (1998). A revision of Phoenix. Kew Bulletin 53(3): 513-575.

Dauncey, E. A. and Leon, C. J. (1998). Computerized identification system for medical professionals and the general public.. In: M.R. Cooper and W.J. Johnson, Poisonous plants and fungi in Britain: animal and human poisoning, 279-281. Ed. 2. The Stationery Office: London.

Huxham, S. K., Schrire, B. D., Davis, S. D. and Prendergast, H. D. V. 1998. Dryland legumes in Africa. Food for thought. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 85 pp.

Milne, R. and Hastings, L. (1998). Home-spun solutions. Kew. Spring issue: 10-11.

Morley, J. (1998). Poisonous plant enquiry service, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. In: M. R. Cooper and W. J. Johnson, Poisonous plants and fungi in Britain: animal and human poisoning, 276-277. Ed. 2. The Stationery Office: London.

Duling, D. W., Ghazanfar, S. A. and Prendergast, H. D. V. 1998. A new species of Ziziphus Mill. (Rhamnaceae) from Oman. Kew Bulletin 53: 733-739.

Prendergast, H. D. V. (1998). Economics and botany. Heritage Development 3 (98): 5,7.

Prendergast, H. D. V., Etkin, N. L., Harris, D. R. and Houghton, P. J. (eds) (1998), Plants for food and medicine . Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 438 pp.

Davis, S. D., Heywood, V. H., Herrera-MacBryde, O., Villa-Lobos, J. and Hamilton, A. C. (eds) (1997). Centres of Plant Diversity: A Guide and Strategy for their Conservation. Vol. 3: The Americas. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, U.K. 562 pp.

Henderson, A. & Sanderson, H. (1997). Palm research in 1996. Principes 41(3): 163-165.

Martin, G. J. and Hoare, A. (1997). Issue 3. Returning results. In G. Martin (editor) People and Plants Handbook: sources for applying ethnobotany to conservation and community development. UNESCO, Paris.

Milliken, W. (1997). Malaria and antimalarial plants in Roraima, Brazil. Tropical Doctor 27 Supplement No. 1: 20-25.

Milliken, W. (1997). Traditional anti-malarial medicine in Roraima, Brazil. Economic Botany 51, 212-237.

Milliken, W. (1997). The use of medicinal plants by the Yanomami Indians of Brazil, Part II. Economic Botany 51, 264-278.

Milliken, W. (1997). Plants for malaria, plants for fever. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Details

Morley, J. (1997). The work of the Centre for Economic Botany with particular reference to the lamiales. Lamiales News Issue 5 (April 1997): 9-10

Morley, J. (1997). The work of the Centre for Economic Botany (with particular reference to orchids). Orchid Research Newsletter. No. 30 (July 1997): 3-4.

Prendergast, H.D.V. and Dennis, F. (1997). Superior merits of a troublesome weed - Elder in the 1990s. British Wildlife 8: 281-286. Download PDF

Prendergast, H.D.V., Davis, S.D. and Way, M. (1997). Dryland plants and their uses. In Middleton, N. & Thomas, D. (eds), World Atlas of Desertification, Second Edition. Edward Arnold, London, for United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. Pp. 136-139.

Shaw, D., Leon, C., Kolev, S. and Murray, V. (1997). Traditional Remedies and Food Supplements; a 5-year toxicological study (1991-1995). Drug Safety, 17(5): 342-356.


Ambrose, J. R. (1996). Parkinsonia aculeata. Footsteps No. 29: 16.

Dauncey, E. A. & Leon, C. J. (1996). Plant identification for medical professionals: a computerised solution. Semin. Dermatol. 15 (2): 124-130.

Dauncey, E. A. & Murray, V. S. G. (1996). Poisonous Plants in Britain and Ireland. Chemical Incident Report 1: 7.

Hall, J. B., Aebischer, D., Tomlinson, H., Osei-Amaning, E. & Hindle, J. R. (1996). Vitellaria paradoxa: a monograph. Bangor, UK: School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences.

Hastings, L. (1996) The Botanic Gardens at Kew and the wartime need for medicines. Pharm. J. 257(6923): 923-927.

Shaw, D., Kolev, S., Leon, C., Bell, G., Colbridge, M. & Murray, V. (1996). Toxicological problems resulting from exposure to traditional medicines and food supplements; 1991-1996. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF). 49 pp.

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