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It's hard not to love the Land Stewardship Project."

METRO magazine's "100 Reasons to Love the Twin Cities"


2009-2010 Farm Beginnings Classes Announced
Report: EQIP Subsidizing Industrial Ag

2008 Stewardship Food Directory Available

Upcoming Events

LSP Calendar of Events
Family Farm Breakfast at the Capitol Feb. 17
Slow Food Event in Montevideo Jan. 19
Whole Farm Financials Jan. 24 in Rochester

Take Action

Save Congressional Ag Funding in 2009
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Land & Stewardship Legacies

Food & Farm Connection Resources

The mission of the Land Stewardship Project is to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture and to develop sustainable communities.

©Land Stewardship Project, 2000
Site design by Revenant Photo Design 

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