Fashion & Style

Talk About Race? Relax, It’s O.K.
Talk About Race? Relax, It’s O.K.
Gregg Matthews for The New York Times
BECCA KNOX AND GEORGE RICE “There’s a more readily accessible conduit into the conversation about race if it begins with Barack Obama,” Mr. Rice said.

Barack Obama has become an ice breaker when it comes to discussing racial politics.

In the Lap of Luxury, Paris Squirms

The recession brings anxiety to France but also a welcomed values debate on the French way of life.

Her Bulge, His Book and Their Plan B

Oprah made her announcement about her weight gain just as Bob Greene, who has overseen her diet and exercise regimen since 1992, began promoting his diet books. Is that good or bad public relations?

Friends to the End and Beyond

A mother wonders if it's possible for a larger-than-life character who dies to haunt his friends on Facebook.

Skin Deep
Seeking Self-Esteem Through Surgery

Acne is no longer the star of teenage and adolescence horrors.

Front Row
The Capital Plays ‘Hide the Label’

Fashion designers have been treating the inauguration like a Hollywood event, but that approach may not fit the Washington crowd.

Surviving an Avalanche

Businesses that accommodate skiers and snowboarders are taking more precautions during a dangerous ski season.

Critical Shopper | Sephora
All’s Fair in Beauty and War

Sephora, the Starbucks of makeup, has opened a new store in SoHo.

Audio Slide Show AUDIO SLIDE SHOW: On the Street | Fashion Barometer

Revolutions to fashion usually begin because of world events. Will fashion history repeat the drastic hemline changes that followed the 1929 crash?

Times Topics: Michelle Obama's Fashion

Resources, articles and multimedia about Michelle Obama's Fashion.

Edward Steichen: In High Fashion

Curators discuss the fashion photographs of Edward Steichen featured in an exhibition that opens tomorrow for the first time in America at New York's International Center of Photography.

Life as a Runway | Travis Takes Manhattan

Fans were greeted by the scent of dirt as they gathered for the Professional Bull Riders 2009 tour event at Madison Square Garden.

Physical Culture | Gear Test, Food Bars

A new category of sports bars may actually provide on-the-go athletes nutrition that is actually nutritious.

First Lady Fashion Quiz

Do you remember what Jackie Kennedy wore to the inaugural ball in 1961? Who designed Hillary Clinton’s gowns? Take a quiz on the first ladies’ inaugural gowns.

On the Runway
On the Runway

Cathy Horyn writes about the hoopla surrounding the photos of President-elect Barack Obama in his bathing trunks.


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