What's New?

Special In-depth investigative report:
The Farm Crisis and the Cattle Sector:
Toward a New Analysis and New Solutions
Pdf icon Download the PDF of the Executive Summary (438 kb)
PDF icon Download the PDF of the full report (2,064 kb)
Meetings in your community on the livestock crisis:
A series of meetings is planned in Ontario January 17 through 21, 2009; Alberta and BC January 26 through 30, Manitoba February 2 through 5, and PEI and New Brunswick in late February. Click here to see the meetings scheduled for your area (HTML)
Pdf icon Download a PDF document with the details of dates, locations and times of the meetings in your area (69 kb)

Are you an Ontario farmer interested in joining the NFU?
The National Farmers Union is a certified general farm organization under the Ontario Farm Business Registration (FBR) program. If you choose to join the NFU through this program, you must complete the Ontario FBR application form available on the Agricorp website. Remember, the deadline for registering under the FBR program is March 1, 2009.
Click here to log on to the Agricorp FBR program website

National Farmers Union - 39th Annual National Convention (2008)
Theme: Food and Community: Local to International
The NFU Convention, which took place November 20-22, 2008, in Saskatoon, was a tremendous success. Audio recordings of several keynote speakers are now available online at this site.
Click here to access the presentations by keynote speakers at the NFU 39th National Convention

National Farmers Union - 40th Annual National Convention
Ottawa, Ontario - November 26-28, 2009
Theme: Celebrating 40 Years
Travelodge Hotel and Convention Centre, Ottawa West
For Room Reservations, call 1-800-267-4166
Please use the booking code "NFU" when reserving your room
(Special NFU Convention rate: $129 single/double)

Union Farmer Quarterly - Winter 2008-09 edition
The latest issue of the Union Farmer Quarterly features coverage of the NFU 39th annual National Convention. Watch for the print edition arriving in your mailbox shortly.
PDF icon Click here to download a PDF-format version of the Union Farmer Quarterly (5.62 mb)

Growing Organic Potatoes: A Free Public Meeting in New Brunswick
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 - 7:30 PM - Woodstock, NB
The NFU in New Brunswick is pleased to host a free public meeting on the topic of growing potatoes organically. Guest speaker, Maureen Bostock, has recently completed a book on organic potato production. She will be available to answer questions following her presentation in the NBCC teaching theatre in Woodstock, New Brunswick.

Maureen will speak at the Potatoes New Brunswick Conference and trade show Wednesday afternoon, February 4, at the Eagle's Nest in Woodstock, where she will address changes to the CFIA's seed regulatory framework and the unique challenges faced by potato producers. Potatoes are a cost-intensive crop, and if the existing seed regulatory framework is weakened, the consequences may be far-reaching. Poor performance by a seed potato variety could easily bankrupt a farm. Maureen is active in the Lanark County NFU in Ontario, as well as serving on the Board of the Ecological Farmers of Ontario and the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network.
For more information, contact Barb Somerville at 1-888-246-5583

NFU District Meeting in Prince Edward Island
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Howard Johnson Dutch Inn, North River, PEI
Registration at 10:00 AM, Call to Order at 10:30 AM
[In the event of inclement weather, the alternate date is Friday, March 20 at the same location.]
For more information, contact Edith Ling at 902-368-1262

NFU District Meeting in New Brunswick
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Fairway Hotel, Sussex, New Brunswick
Registration at 9:30 AM, Call to Order at 10:00 AM, Adjournment at 4:00 PM
For more information, contact Betty Brown at 506-278-5439 or Barb Somerville at 1-888-246-5583

NFU Regional Meeting in Ontario
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Woodstock, Ontario - Watch for more details

Health and Dental Plan:
The NFU is pleased to offer a Health and Dental Plan to all members, their families and employees. Find out more information here.

Who are we:

The National Farmers Union is a direct-membership organization made up of Canadian farm families who share common goals. Every member of the farm family - including the farmer and their spouse and children, ages 14 to 21 - are full voting members of the Union. This structure recognizes that every family member contributes to the farm by working on it directly, or indirectly through off-farm employment.

Associate Members are a valued part of the National Farmers Union family as well. Associate Members are non-farmers who understand that food issues are everyone's concern, and who want to help family farmers build a sustainable and nutritious food system in Canada.

Member families of the Union believe that through an organization that represents all commodities produced in Canada, it is possible to promote the family farm as the most appropriate and efficient means of agricultural production. Our goal is to work together to achieve agricultural policies which will ensure dignity and security of income for farm families while enhancing the land for future generations.

National Farmers Union | 2717 Wentz Avenue | Saskatoon, SK | S7K 4B6
Phone: (306) 652-9465 | Fax: (306) 664-6226
Email: nfu@nfu.ca