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Environmental Land Use

General Resources

Cornell Institute for Resource Information Systems
Integrating environmental information science and technologies provides a strong mechanism to effectively utilize, conserve, and sustain environmental resources for the benefit of the world community.

Cornell University Department of Earth & Atmospheric Science's Surface Processes, Sedimentary Basin and Paleontolgy program focuses on the links between sedimentary processes and teh biosphere, surface deformation, topography and climate.

The goal of the Community and Rural Development Institute's (CaRDI) land use program is to support sound management of New York's land resources. CaRDI is located in the Department of Development Sociology at Cornell University.

The Rural Vision Project is a multi-faceted and multi-step approach to identifying challenging issues and emerging opportunities facing rural New York State. This is a collaborative endeavor involving CaRDI, the Department of Development Sociology's Rural New York Initiative, Cornell Cooperative Extension and the NYS Legislative Commission on Rural Resources. Listening Session Synopsis: Environment, Land Use and Natural Resources.


The New York State Department of Conservation (DEC), Division of Mineral Resources, provides A Landowner's Guide to Oil and Gas Leasing (2008).

Agricultural Land Use Issues

Cornell Nutrient Analysis Laboratories provide accurate and cost effective analysis of soil, plant, and water samples for farmers, growers, researchers, extension educators, home gardeners, state and federal agencies and other clients throughout the world.

The Cornell Nutrient Management SPEAR Program focuses on improving the understanding of nutrient release and risk for runoff and leaching losses from inorganic and organic amendments as affected by soil type, hydrology, time and rate of application, and the use of specific soil and fertilizer amendments.

Manure management, addressing treatment and management technologies to reduce the impact of manure on the environment, is a key concern for Cornell's Pro-Dairy Program participants which includes producers and dairy industry personnel.


New York Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC) is a non-profit organization with a mission to support the economic viability of agriculture and forestry through the protection of water quality and the promotion of land conservation in the New York City watershed region.

The mission of the New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee is to develop and oversee implementation of an effective soil and water conservation and agricultural nonpoint source water quality program for the State that is implemented primarily through county Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Cornell Cooperative Extension and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University are Advisory Members and serve on the Agricultural Environmental Management Steering Committee.