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Land Use Issues and Policy


Environmental Risk Analysis Program
This program which is located in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, has created a Recycling Agricultural Plastics Program which has developed the infrastructure and markets for waste plastics on farms.

Land Use and Landscape Management
Land use policy and training is part of the Community and Rural Development Institute (CaRDI) in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences' Department of Development Sociology. This program supports sound management of NYS land resources.

Keuka Lake Land Use Leadership Alliance (LULA)
LULA has a missing to build the capacity for change and promote land-use innovation in the Keuka Lake region. Training for land owners, agricultural producers and local officials is provided through CaRDI.

Natural Gas Development Resource Center, developed by Cornell Cooperative Extension, provides information from a variety of sources - academic research, industry analysis, local government officials and citizens and includes a discussion forum which will lead to a better understanding of the issues involved and more informed decision-making.

Legal Aspects of Rural Living: Guide to Farming in New York State
The Small Farms Program of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences provides an overview of laws that pertain to farming rights and responsibilities in New York.

You Have a Right-to-Farm: Use It Wisely
Written by Stanley (Lee) Telega, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.


American Farmland Trust (New York)
Founded in 1980, this nonprofit organization is dedicated to protecting our nation's strategic agricultural resources. The link above is direct to the New York's efforts.

New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
With a mission to foster a competitive food and agriculture industry that benefits producers and consumers alike, this department offers the following resources with respect to land use:

Agricultural Districts: Farmer Benefits and Protection

Agricultural District Law: Guidance for Local Government and Farmers

New York Farm Bureau
Farm Bureau is an independent, non-governmental, voluntary organization that works to solve economic and public policy issues challenging the agricultural industry. Two resources involving land use are:

Priority Issue 2008: Protecting the Land

Agricultural Districts Law: Fact Sheet

New York Legislative Commission on Rural Resources
A special commission set up by the NYS Assembly to address rural issues.

New York Planning Federation
This organization promotes sound planning, land use and zoning practices in New York State so that orderly growth and development may occur balanced with necessary resource conservation.