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Cornell University's Department of Entomology Insect Diagnostic Lab has on-line fact sheets and information on insect identification and offers a mail-in diagnostic service that helps to identify the pest and provides management suggestions.

The New York State Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program develops sustainable ways to manage pests and help people to use methods that minimize environmental, health effects and costs. This website includes pest management information for the home and farm.

The Invasive Plants Program, located within the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University, focuses its research and outreach efforts on the impact that invasive plants have on native species and biological strategies.

New York Sea Grant provides educational materials addressing Aquatic Invasive Species which include non-native species that have been introduced into the waters of New York State and will likely cause harm to the aquatic environment.

Selected Sea Grant Fact Sheets:

Pests in the Northeastern United States is a collection of fact sheets developed at the NYSAgricultural Experiment Station's Entomology Department in Geneva, NY. These fact sheets will assist growers, extension staff, agribusiness staff and consultants in the identification of common crop pests found in New York and the northeast.


The Invasive Plant Council of New York State has developed an Early Detection list for each of eight PRISM (Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management) regions in New York.