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DocBUILDER Authoring Tool

The docBUILDER tool is designed for metadata authors to add (or modify) data set descriptions (DIFs), related services descriptions (SERFs) and descriptions of Ancillary Information (Data Centers, Projects, Instruments and Platforms). Before you start to write a new metadata record, we recommend you search the directory ( to ensure that the metadata record you intend to write does not already exist.  To perform a full-text search from our home page, go to the "Data Set" Text Search Box (for DIFs) or to the "Data Services" Text Search Box (for SERFs) and type in a single or multiple term search.

Start a new Metadata Record

  • To create a new DIF (Directory Interchange Format) or SERF (Service Entry Resource Format) record there are three options on the opening page.  If you intend to begin a single entry, without information that might be repeated, set the Template to "No template".   If you intend to write several DIFs or SERFs that have common factors (i.e., data center, personnel/contact information) and already have a template file containing this common information, then select the Template option.  For more detailed template information, please see Working with Templates instructions below.  Select the Document Status:  Create a new document. Then type in a Document Identifier and select Continue. Please note: You may retrieve your document at any time in the future using this Entry_ID.
  • To create a new Ancillary description (Data Center, Project (or Campaign), Instrument or Platform), choose the Document Status:  Create a new document. Then type in a Document Identifier and select Continue.

Modify an Existing Metadata Record

  • To modify an existing Ancillary description (Data Center, Project (or Campaign), Instrument or Platform), there are three options on the opening page. Choose the Document Status:  Work with an existing document.  Then type in a Document Identifier (Entry_ID) and select Continue.

Working with Templates

  • You may choose to create a template when creating multiple DIFs or SERFs that have repeatable information in a set of fields.  If you intend to write DIFs or SERFs that have several of the same or common factors, i.e., data center, contact information, then it would be helpful to use a template.
  • To begin a new template:
    • Select No template under the Use of Template option.
    • Select Document Status:  Create a new document.
    • Type in a SERF or DIF Document Identifier and select Continue.
    • Enter the pertinent information that may be repeated in a group of DIFs or SERFs, i.e., a Data Center, Personnel, IDN Node, etc.
    • Select [FILE > save document as template].  Next, give the template a file name, i.e., GSFC Template and select OK.
    •  Select [FILE > return to 'add descriptions'].  Close current document and start a new one.   (Be sure that you saved the template as directed in the previous step).
    • To use the template for the group of DIFs, SERFs, or Ancillary Descriptions (ADs), you intend to write, choose Use a Template and select the template name that you created.
    • Next select Document Status:  Create a new Document and type in a new DIF or SERF Document Identifier (Entry_ID), i.e., GSFCDIF1.
  • After you make changes to the DIF, SERF, or Ancillary Description, choose
    [DOCUMENT > submit document] to send the document to the GCMD for loading into the database.
  • Select [FILE > return to 'add descriptions']   Close current document and start a new one, select OK and continue to create new DIFs, SERFs, or ADs (with new Entry_IDs) using the same template.

Building a DIF, SERF, or Ancillary Description

  • Create a new or update an existing DIF, SERF, or ancillary description by populating information in the given fields.
  • Notice the different colored boxes to the left of each field: orange denotes a required field; yellow denotes a highly recommended field; and green denotes a recommended field.
  • The “i” to the right of each field provides specific information about a given field, i.e., recommendations, syntax and examples.
  • As you select each field to build your DIF, SERF, or ancillary description, notice the blue bolded text under each field name.  This text provides a short description to assist in populating the field.
  • As you select Continue for each of the fields and build your DIF, SERF, or ancillary description, your record is automatically saved and will appear in XML format in the window of the main panel.  Please note: You do not have to complete your record by populating the XML in the window of the main panel.  The text in this window can be edited at any time (just remember to select the Save Edits in Text Box button anytime you update information in that box, or your information will not be saved).
  • Notice that some fields are repeatable.  A green button allows you to insert additional entries.  A red button allows you to delete all of the information in the field.
  • Notice that some fields will allow you to type in information of your choice (i.e., Entry ID, Entry Title, Quality, Summary).
  • Some fields allow you to select a keyword from a pre-defined list (i.e., Data Set Progress).
  • Other fields allow you to select from a list of existing keywords or add a new keyword (Data Center, Instrument, Platform, Location and Project).
    • To narrow the list of keywords, begin typing the keyword you wish to locate.
    • If the list does not contain the keyword you wish to include, you can add it with the Add New Keyword to List button.  Please note that if you add a new data center, instrument, platform, project or location to your document, it will be "flagged" as "new" when you attempt to validate your document.  If you would like to add a new GCMD science keyword or service keyword, you must check that the addition adheres to the GCMD Science Keyword Rules and the GCMD Science Staff will review it, prior to inserting it into the GCMD database.

How to Select Personnel/Contact Information

  • The personnel/contact field defines points of contact for more information about the DIF or SERF.
    • In a DIF document, you may select the Role of an Investigator, Technical Contact, and/or DIF Author.
    • In a SERF document, you may select the Role of a Technical Contact or SERF Author.
    • The easiest way to populate this field is to select the Role first, then select the Contact Lookup button to search for the person you wish to add to your DIF or SERF.
      • If you find the contact in the Contact Lookup, simply click the contact to highlight it, then select Accept.  The information will be populated in your window automatically.
      • If you do not find the contact in the list, simply select Cancel, and go back to add the information in the appropriate boxes. (Please note that not all of the information within the field is required, but minimally you need a last name).

Selecting a Data Center or Service Provider

  • The data center (in DIF) and service provider (in SERF) fields identify the organization that distributes the data or service.
  • When populating the data center or service provider fields, select the Find Data Center Name Lookup or the Find Service Organization Lookup button to check if the data center or service provider can be found on the existing list.
    • If you find the data center or service provider in the list, select Accept.
    • If you do not find the data center or service provider in the list, select the Add New Keyword to List button.
    • Next, supply a name or an organization for a Data Center or Service Provider (person(s) to contact for information about the data or service).
  • As with the Personnel or Contact field (explained above), you may select a contact from the list or enter new information for a contact not found in the existing list.
  • Please note that the Data Center and Service Provider fields are repeatable and that you can add another Data Center or a Service Provider by selecting the green button.

File Menu

  • [FILE > return to 'add descriptions']:  Allows you to close current document and start a new one.
  • [FILE > email this document to yourself]:  Allows you to email a copy of your document to yourself.
  • [FILE > save document as template]:  Allows you to Save the document as a Template (see Working with Templates section above).
  • [FILE > GCMD homepage]:  Allows you to close out the document with which you are working and return to the GCMD homepage.

Document Menu

  • [DOCUMENT > validate document]:  This allows you to check the syntax of the document, along with the content of a number of select fields.  If you experience any problems, please choose the [DOCUMENT > submit document] option, and the GCMD staff will review the document and load it.
  • [DOCUMENT > preview document display]:  This allows you to view the document (as it will appear on the GCMD site) as it is being created, or you must select "Return to building document" to continue editing the metadata.   At any time, you can select "Return to building document".
  • [DOCUMENT > submit document]:  This option allows you to send the document to the GCMD for loading.  Please note: you will be asked to enter your email address prior to selecting the OK button.

Help Menu

  • [HELP > docBUILDER User's Guide]:  Online documentation to assist users with the docBUILDER tool.
  • [HELP > DIF Writer's Guide] (or SERF or AD Writer's Guide):  Online documentation to assist users in writing metadata with docBUILDER.
  • [HELP > about docBUILDER]:  Indicates the version number of the docBUILDER software you are running.

Submit Your DIF, SERF, or Ancillary Description to the GCMD

  • Submit your document to the GCMD by choosing [DOCUMENT > submit document].
  • Type in your email address at the prompt.
  • You will receive a message stating that your DIF/SERF was successfully or unsuccessfully submitted to the GCMD.
  • At this point, you can select [FILE > return to 'add descriptions'] to close the current document and start another one.
If you have any questions, please contact the GCMD User support Office


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Last Updated: September 2008