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International Legume Database & Information Service

Further Information

About the project


ILDIS Co-ordinating Centre
ILDIS Regional Centres
Taxonomic Coordinators
Legal status
Species 2000 member


The International Legume Database & Information Service (ILDIS) is an international project which aims to document and catalogue the world's legume species diversity in a readily accessible form. Research groups in many countries are participating on a co-operative basis to pool information in the ILDIS World Database of Legumes, which is used to provide a worldwide information service through publications, electronic access and enquiry services.

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ILDIS Co-ordinating Centre

ILDIS is a collaborative organisation involving legume experts and institutions from all over the world. The activities of ILDIS are managed from the ILDIS Co-ordinating Centre based at the Centre for Plant Diversity and Systematics, School of Plant Sciences, The University of Reading, UK.

The staff at the Co-ordinating Centre are Frank Bisby, Yuri Roskov (ILDIS Directorate), Indrani Senavirathne (ILDIS Project Assistant) and Grace Barter.

Please send any enquiries to, or to:
Yuri Roskov
ILDIS Co-ordinating Centre
Centre for Plant Diversity & Systematics
School of Plant Sciences
The University of Reading
United Kingdom

tel: +44 (0)118 378 6466
fax: +44 (0)118 378 3676

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ILDIS Regional Centres

Much of the information for the ILDIS World Database of Legumes has been compiled at the ILDIS Regional Centres, located throughout the world. Information has been collected from local herbaria, national botanists, and from literature written in many different languages, making accessible a wealth of information that would otherwise remain hidden.

Location of the ILDIS Regional Centres

ILDIS USA - Missouri Botanic Gardens, USA Santafe de Bogota, Colombia ILDIS BRAZIL - S.A.I.N Parque Rural, Brasilia, Brazil Buenos Aires, Argentina ILDIS COORDINATING CENTRE, Reading University, UK ILDIS UNITED KINGDOM - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK ILDIS NORTHERN EURASIA - Komarov Botanical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia ILDIS AFRICA - Zombi, Malawi ILDIS CHINA - Guangzhou, China ILDIS JAPAN - Sendai, Japan ILDIS AUSTRALIA - Canberra, Australia ILDIS PACIFIC AND NEW ZEALAND - Canterbury, New Zealand ILDIS

List of the ILDIS Regional Centres

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Taxonomic Co-ordinators

ILDIS uses a consistent classification world-wide, responsibly edited and updated by a network of experts, known as Taxonomic Co-ordinators.

List of the ILDIS Taxonomic Co-ordinators

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ILDIS is directed by an International Board of Trustees elected by the participating centres.

List of the ILDIS Trustees

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ILDIS is a registered charity in England and currently has 5 directors.

List of the ILDIS Directorate

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Legal Status

ILDIS is registered as a not-for-profit trust in England (Charity No. 1002666). Subscriptions and other sources of funding are needed to maintain the database and run its services. The major costs of creating the knowledge set and database (approx. £1.5 million [sterling] to date) have been funded by:

and partner institutions including:

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Species2000 Member Logo

ILDIS is one of the founder members of Species 2000, which aims to produce a dynamic checklist of all known organisms by accessing an array of global species databases. A global species database contains all known species for a particular group of organisms (e.g. legumes, fish, bacteria). Species 2000 will act as an index to a virtual library of biodiversity information on the WWW. Users will be able to enter a species name and receive brief details about the nomenclature of the species followed by a choice of other data sources on the web which contain information about that species. These data sources will be connected to Species 2000 by direct species links as currently demonstrated by ILDIS.

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Copyright © 2007 by ILDIS (International Legume Database & Information Service). All rights reserved. Web page created by Richard White on a server at Cardiff School of Computer Science.