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Niobrara National Scenic RiverApproaching the Cracked Cliff
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A River Winds Through It

The Niobrara River drains over 12,000 square miles of the Sandhills, one of the largest stabilized dunefields in the world. Take a leisurely float on this outstanding Great Plains river in north-central Nebraska. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see pine-clad hills and prairie, numerous waterfalls, tall sandstone cliffs and wildlife like deer, bison, elk, beaver, mink, herons and kingfishers.
Canoers enjoy paddling the river through the Fort Niobrara NWR Wildereness

Floating the River

Visitors can float the river by tube, canoe, kayak or raft from mid-April to mid-October. Local outfitters provide boats, tubes and kayaks for rent. Most floaters come on weekends in June, July and August, when summer temperatures can soar from the 90’s to low 100’s.
Smooth Sumac

Ecological Diversity

There are many unexpected plants and animals that live here! Along the Niobrara River Valley an unusual blend of climate, geology and topography shapes their natural world.
An immature beaver feeds on succulent vegetation

Watchable Wildlife

Carefully plan your float times and when you visit the river- early morning or late evening are best for viewing wildife. Several nature trails and a wildlife drive will reveal many types of native animals. Over 250 species of birds can be sighted within the river valley.

Write to

Niobrara National Scenic River
P.O. Box 319
Valentine, NE 69201

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Valentine Heaquarters Office
(402) 376-1901


(402) 376-1949


The Niobrara River valley straddles the 100th Meridian. Annual precipitation is around 18". Summers are hot and generally dry with highs in the 90's and low 100's. Winds of 15-20 mph are not uncommon. Summer rainfall averages around 8 1/2". Winters are cold with blowing snow and spells of below zero temperatures.
Click on "More" below for current conditions at the Norden Bridge (River Mile 35.2) and the National Weather Service forecast for the Valentine area.
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Ice cliffs form when groundwater seeps from cliff faces and freezes  

Did You Know?
During the cold winter months when temperatures drop well below zero degrees F the Niobrara River freezes over in most places. Tall ice cliffs form on river bluffs and attract ice climbers to the Niobrara National Scenic River.

Last Updated: January 06, 2009 at 14:22 EST