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TOC\ Native American Resources\ Food & Nutrition\ Recipes 

Bob E's Recipe Links - Native American Indian Recipes  - This page contains links to Native American recipes, other regional and ethnic recipes and a few links about tea and coffee!!   URL:
Native American Foods -- Recipes  - Native cookbooks, Nutrition info, cookbooks for kids, Wild rice recipes, Maple sugar/syrup recipes, Corn, hominy, cornmeal, Beans and Greens, Squash, pumpkin,Deermeat, Meat, Fish, birds, Fruit and Berries, Herbal Teas, Culinary Herbs, Xocoatl (Chocolate), Aztecs (and south) YUM!   URL:
Native American Foods and Recipes  - Great links to other sites offering the best of Native American Recipes!   URL:
Native American Recipes  - Native American Recipes with search functionality.   URL:
Nativetech: Food & Recipes  - Beverages & Teas, From the Four Legged, From the Bird, From the Fish, Plants, Fruit & Vegetables, Breads, Nuts, Seeds & Grains, Recipes that Defy Categorization.   URL:
Oneida Indian Nation-Native Foods  - To Native Americans, the meaning of the Three Sisters runs deep into the physical and spiritual well-being of their people. Known as the "sustainers of life," the Iroquois consider corn,beans and squash to be special gifts from the Creator. Recipes.   URL:
Pueblo Harvest: Recipes  - Here's the place to come to find out how the locals and the chefs are using our products creatively.   URL:

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