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Reports on Gulkana Glacier, Alaska

USGS On-line Abstracts and Reports by Author

Cox, L.H. and March, R.S, 2004, Comparison of geodetic and glaciological mass-balance techniques, Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A.: Journal of Glaciology, v. 50, no. 170, p. 363-370 [Abstract and full report]

Fountain, A.G., Krimmel, R.M., and Trabant, D.C., 1997, A strategy for monitoring glaciers: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1132, 19 p. [Abstract and full report]

Harrison, W.D, Elsberg, D.H., Cox, L. H., and March, R.S., 2005, Correspondence - Different mass balances for climatic and hydrologic applications:  Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 51, No. 172, p. 176 [PDF]

Harrison, W.D, Cox, L. H., Hock, R., March, R.S., and Pettit, E.C., 2009, Implications for the dynamic health of a glacier from comparison of conventional and reference-surface balances: Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 50, p. 25-30. [PDF]

Josberger, E.G., Bidlake, W.R., March, R.S., and Kennedy, B.W., 2006, Glacier Mass-Balance Fluctuations in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, USA, International Symposium on Cryospheric Indicators of Global Climate Change, August 21-25, 2006, Cambridge, UK, poster. [Abstract and full poster]

Josberger, E.G., Bidlake, W.R., March, R.S., and Kennedy, B.W., 2007, Glacier Mass-Balance Fluctuations in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, USA, Annals of Glaciology, V. 46, p.291-6. [Abstract and full report]

Kennedy, B.W., Mayo, L.R., Trabant, D.C., and March, R.S., 1997, Air temperature and precipitation data, Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1968-96: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-358, 144 p. [Abstract and full report]

March, R.S., 1998, Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, and runoff data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1994 balance year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4251, 31 p. [Abstract and full report]

March, R.S., 2000, Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, runoff, and ice thickness data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1995 balance year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4074, 33 p. [Abstract and full report]

March, R.S., 2003, Mass Balance, Meteorology, Area Altitude Distribution, Glacier-Surface Altitude, Ice Motion, Terminus Position, and Runoff at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1996 Balance Year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4095, 33 p. [Abstract and full report]

March, R.S., and Trabant, D.C., 1997, Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, and runoff data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1993 balance year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4299, 30 p. [Abstract and full report]

March, R.S., and Trabant, D.C., 1996, Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, and runoff data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1992 balance year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4277, 32 p. [Abstract and full report]

Mayo, L.R., 1986, Annual runoff rate from glaciers in Alaska---A model using the altitude of glacier mass balance equilibrium, in Kane, D.L., ed., Cold Regions Hydrology Symposium, Fairbanks, 1986, Proceedings: American Water Resources Association, p. 509-517. [Abstract and full report]

Mayo, L.R., Meier, M.F., and Tangborn, W.V., 1972, A system to combine stratigraphic and annual mass-balance systems—a contribution to the International Hydrologic Decade: Journal of Glaciology, v. 11, no. 61, p. 3–14.[Abstract and full report]

Meier, M.F., Tangborn, W.V., Mayo, L.R., and Post, Austin, 1971, Combined ice and water balances of Gulkana and Wolverine Glaciers, Alaska, and South Cascade Glacier, Washington, 1965 and 1966 hydrologic years: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 715-A, 23 p., 6 pl.  [Full report and plates]

Molnia, B.F., 2008, Glaciers of North America -- Glaciers of Alaska, in Williams, R.S., Jr., and Ferrigno, J.G., eds., Satellite image atlas of glaciers of the world: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386-K, 525 p. [Description and full report]

Snyder, E.F., 1995, Bibliography of glacier studies by the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-723,  35 p. [Full report without photos (updated Oct. 1997)]

Tangborn, W.V., Mayo, L.R., Scully, D.R., and Krimmel, R.M., 1977, Combined ice and water balances of Maclure Glacier, California, South Cascade Glacier, Washington, and Wolverine and Gulkana Glaciers, Alaska, 1967 Hydrologic Year: U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 715-B, 20 p., 4 pl.  [Full report and plates]

Trabant, D.C., and March, R.S., 1999, Mass-balance measurements in Alaska and suggestions for simplified observation programs: Geografiska Annaler (Series A, Physical Geography; abstract free with guest logon, full article access requires subscription or fee payment), v. 81A, no. 4, p.777-789.  [Abstract and full report]

Trabant, D.C., March, R.S., Cox, L. H., Harrison, W.D, and Josberger, E.G., 2003, Measured Climate Induced Volume Changes of Three Glaciers and Current Glacier-Climate Response Prediction,  SEARCH Open Science Meeting, Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS), October 27, 2003, Seattle, Washington, USA  [Abstract and full poster]

Trabant, D.C., March, R.S., Cox, L. H., and Josberger, E.G., 2003, Measured Climate Induced Volume Changes of Three Glaciers and Current Glacier-Climate Response Prediction, Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C11B-0814, 2003 [Abstract]

Trabant, D.C., March, R.S., and Kennedy, B.W., 1998, Glacier mass-balance trends in Alaska and climate-regime shifts [abs.]:  Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 79, no. 48, p. F277. [Abstract and full poster]

Truffer, M., Harrison, W.D., and March, R.S., 2005, Correspondence - Record negative glacier balances and low velocities during the 2004 heatwave in Alaska, USA: implications for the interpretation of observations by Zwally and others in Greenland, Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 51, No. 175, pp. 663-664. [PDF]

USGS News Releases

June 18, 2003 - Record snowpack falls on Alaskan glacier despite worldwide glacier retreat [click here]

June 6, 2001 - Large spring snowpack on Gulkana Glacier, Alaska [click here]

Complete Listing of USGS and Non-USGS Reports by Author

Bitz, C.M. and Battisti, D.S., 1999, Interannual to Decadal Variability in Climate and the Glacier Mass Balance in Washington, Western Canada, and Alaska, J. of Climate, v.12, p. 3181-3196.

Cox, L.H. and March, R.S, 2004, Comparison of geodetic and glaciological mass-balance techniques, Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A., Journal of Glaciology, v. 50, no. 170, p. 363-370 [Abstract and full report]

Dowdeswell, J.A., Hagen, J.O., Björnsson, H., Glazovsky, A.F., Harrison, W.D., Holmlund, P., Jania, J., Korner, R.M., Lefauconnier, B., Ommanney, C.S.L., and Thomas, R.H., 1997, The mass balance of circum-Artic glaciers and recent climate change, Quaternary Research, v. 48, p. 1-14.

Echelmeyer, K.A., Harrison, W.D., Larsen, C.F., Sapiano, J., Mitchell, J.E., DeMallie, J., Rabus, B., Adalgeirsdóttir, G., and Sombardier, L., 1996, Airborne surface profiling of glaciers: a case-study in Alaska: Journal of Glaciology, v. 42, no. 142, p. 538-547.

Fahl, C.B., 1973, Some relationships between glaciers and climate in Alaska: Fairbanks, Alaska, University of Alaska, Ph.D. dissertation, 191 p.

Fountain, A.G., Krimmel, R.M., and Trabant, D.C., 1997, A strategy for monitoring glaciers: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1132, 19 p. [Abstract and full report]

Haeberli, Wilfried, 1985, Fluctuations of glaciers 1975-1980 (Vol. IV): International Association of Hydrologic Sciences (International Commission of Snow and Ice) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 265 p., maps, and plates.

Haeberli, Wilfried, and Hoelzle, Martin, 1993, Fluctuations of glaciers 1985-1990 (Vol. VI): International Association of Hydrologic Sciences (International Commission on Snow and Ice) and United Nations Environment Programme and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 322 p., maps, and plates.

Haeberli, W., Hoelzle, M., Suter, S., and Frauenfelder. R:, 1998, Fluctuations of glaciers 1990-1995 (Vol. VII): International Association of Hydrologic Sciences (International Commission on Snow and Ice) and United Nations Environment Programme and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 296 p., maps, and plates.

Haeberli, Wilfried, and Müller, Peter, 1988, Fluctuations of glaciers 1980-1985 (Vol. V): International Association of Hydrologic Sciences (International Commission on Snow and Ice) and United Nations Environment Programme and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 290 p., maps, and plates.

Harrison, W.D, Elsberg, D.H., Cox, L. H., and March, R.S., 2005, Correspondence - Different mass balances for climatic and hydrologic applications:  Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 51, No. 172, p. 176 [PDF]

Hodge, S.M., Trabant, D.C., Krimmel, R.M., Heinrichs, T.A., March, R.M., Josberger, E.G., 1998, Climate variations and changes in mass of three glaciers in western North America: Journal of Climate: v. 11, no. 9, p. 2161–2179. [Abstract and full report available through American Meteorology Society; abstract free, full report requires online subscription.]

Josberger, E.G., Bidlake, W.R., March, R.S., and Kennedy, B.W., 2006, Glacier Mass-Balance Fluctuations in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, USA, International Symposium on Cryospheric Indicators of Global Climate Change, August 21-25, 2006, Cambridge, UK, poster. [Abstract and full poster]

Josberger, E.G., Bidlake, W.R., March, R.S., and Kennedy, B.W., 2007, Glacier Mass-Balance Fluctuations in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, USA, Annals of Glaciology, V. 46, p.291-6. [Abstract and full report]

Kasser, Peter, 1967, Fluctuations of glaciers 1959-1965 (Vol. I): International Association of Scientific Hydrology (International Commission of Snow and Ice) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (no pagination).

Kennedy, B.W., Mayo, L.R., Trabant, D.C., and March, R.S., 1997, Air temperature and precipitation data, Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1968-96: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-358, 144 p. [Abstract and full report]

Kido, D., Chikita, K., and Hirayama, K., 2006, Subglacial drainage system changes of the Gulkana Glacier, Alaska: discharge and sediment load observations and modeling: Hydrological Processes, article online in advance of print [Abstract and full report]

Kim, Y., Hatsushika, H., Muskett, R.R., Yamazaki, K., 2005, Possible effect of boreal wildfire soot on Arctic sea ice and Alaska glaciers, Atmospheric Environment v. 39, p. 3513-3520 [Abstract and full report]

Letréguilly, Anne, and Reynaud, Louis, 1989, Spatial patterns of mass-balance fluctuations of North American glaciers: Journal of Glaciology, v. 35, no. 120, p. 163-168.

March, R.S., 1998, Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, and runoff data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1994 balance year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4251, 31 p. [Abstract and full report]

March, R.S., 2000, Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, runoff, and ice thickness data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1995 balance year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4074, 33 p. [Abstract and full report]

March, R.S., 2003, Mass Balance, Meteorology, Area Altitude Distribution, Glacier-Surface Altitude, Ice Motion, Terminus Position, and Runoff at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1996 Balance Year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4095, 33 p. [Abstract and full report]

March, R.S., and Trabant, D.C., 1996, Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, and runoff data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1992 balance year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4277, 32 p. [Abstract and full report]

March, R.S., and Trabant, D.C., 1997, Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, and runoff data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1993 balance year: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4299, 30 p. [Abstract]

Mayo, L.R., 1963, Regimen of Gulkana Glacier, central Alaska Range, Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 73, p. 288-289.

Mayo, L.R., 1963, 1961 meteorology and mass balance of Gulkana Glacier, central Alaska Range, Alaska: Fairbanks, University of Alaska, M.S. thesis, 52 p.

Mayo, L.R., 1984, Glacier mass balance and runoff research in the U.S.A.: Geografiska Annaler, v. 66A, no. 3, p. 215- 227.

Mayo, L.R., 1986, Annual runoff rate from glaciers in Alaska---A model using the altitude of glacier mass balance equilibrium, in Kane, D.L., ed., Cold Regions Hydrology Symposium, Fairbanks, 1986, Proceedings: American Water Resources Association, p. 509-517. [Abstract and full report]

Mayo, L.R., 1992, Internal ablation---An overlooked component of glacier mass balance [abs]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 73, no. 43, p. 180.

Mayo, L.R., and Péwé, T.L., 1963, Ablation and net total radiation, Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, chapter 43 in Ice and snow---Properties, processes, and application, Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962, Proceedings: Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press, p. 633-643.

Mayo, L.R., and Trabant, D.C., 1986, Recent growth of Gulkana Glacier, Alaska Range, and its relation to glacier-fed river runoff: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2290, p. 9199.

Meier, M.F., Mayo, L.R., Trabant, D.C., and Krimmel, R.M., 1980, Comparison of mass balance and runoff at four glaciers in the United States, 1966 to 1977: Academy of Sciences of USSR, Section of Glaciology, Data of Glaciological Studies, Publication No. 38, p. 138-147 (Russian text with figures), p. 214-219 (English text).

Meier, M.F., Tangborn, W.V., Mayo, L.R., and Post, Austin, 1971, Combined ice and water balances of Gulkana and Wolverine Glaciers, Alaska, and South Cascade Glacier, Washington, 1965 and 1966 hydrologic years: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 715-A, 23 p., 6 pl.  [Full report and plates]

Molnia, B.F., 2008, Glaciers of North America -- Glaciers of Alaska, in Williams, R.S., Jr., and Ferrigno, J.G., eds., Satellite image atlas of glaciers of the world: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386-K, 525 p. [Description and full report]

Moran, Mark L., Greenfield, Roy J., Arcone, Steven A., and Delaney, Allan J., 2000, Multidimensional GPR array processing using Kirchhoff migration: Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 43, issue 2-4, p. 281-295.

Muller, Fritz, 1977, Fluctuations of glaciers 1970-1975 (Vol. III): International Association of Hydrologic Sciences (International Commission of Snow and Ice) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 269 p., maps, and plates.

Ostenso, N.A., Sellmann, P.V., and Péwé, T.L., 1965, The bottom topography of Gulkana Glacier, Alaska Range: Journal of Glaciology, v. 5, no. 41, p. 651-660.

Péwé, T.L., 1961, University of Alaska Gulkana Glacier Expedition, 1960: Arctic, v. 14, p. 74-75.

Péwé, T.L., 1961, University of Alaska Gulkana Glacier Project, 1961: Arctic, v. 14, p. 236-237.

Péwé T.L., 1963, University of Alaska Gulkana Glacier Project, 1962: Arctic, v. 16, p. 46.

Péwé, T.L., 1963, Glaciology and glacial geology studies of Gulkana Glacier, Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America Special Paper 73, p. 288-289.

Péwé, T.L., and others, 1965, INQUA guidebook for field conference F, central and south central Alaska: Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 141 p.

Péwé, T.L., and Reger, R.D., 1983, Delta River area, Alaska Range, in Péwé, T.L., and Reger, R.D., eds., Guidebook to permafrost and Quaternary geology along the Richardson and Glenn Highways between Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska-Guidebook 1, Fourth International Conference on Permafrost: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, p. 47-135. [Full report]

Rasmussen, L. A. and Conway, H., 2004, Climate and glacier variability in western North America. Journal of Climate. vol. 17, no. 9, p. 1804-1815 [Full report]

Sellmann, P.V., 1961, Preliminary report on the ablation and flow, Gulkana Glacier, central Alaska Range, Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, p. 120.

Sellmann, P.V., 1962, Flow and ablation of Gulkana Glacier, Alaska: Fairbanks, University of Alaska, M.S. thesis, 36 p.

Snyder, E. F., 1995, Bibliography of glacier studies by the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-723,  p. [Full report without photos (updated Oct. 1997)]

Takeuchi, Nozomu. 2001, The altitudinal distribution of snow algae on an Alaska glacier (Gulkana Glacier in the Alaska Range), Hydrological Processes, v. 15, No. 18, p. 3447-3459. [abstract and full report]

Takeuchi, Nozomu. 2002, Surface albedo and characteristics of cryoconite (biogenic surface dust) on an Alaska glacier, Gulkana Glacier in the Alaska Range, Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 19, p. 63-70. [abstract]

Tangborn, W.V., Mayo, L.R., Scully, D.R., and Krimmel, R.M., 1977, Combined ice and water balances of Maclure Glacier, California, South Cascade Glacier, Washington, and Wolverine and Gulkana Glaciers, Alaska, 1967 Hydrologic Year: U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 715- B, 20 p., 4 pl.  [Full report and plates]

Trabant, D.C., and March, R.S., 1999, Mass-balance measurements in Alaska and suggestions for simplified observation programs: Geografiska Annaler (Series A, Physical Geography; abstract free with guest logon, full article access requires subscription or fee payment), v. 81A, no. 4, p.777-789.  [Abstract and full report]

Trabant, D.C., March, R.S., Cox, L. H., Harrison, W.D, and Josberger, E.G., 2003, Measured Climate Induced Volume Changes of Three Glaciers and Current Glacier-Climate Response Prediction,  SEARCH Open Science Meeting, Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS), October 27, 2003, Seattle, Washington, USA  [Abstract and full poster]

Trabant, D.C., March, R.S., and Kennedy, B.W., 1998, Glacier mass-balance trends in Alaska and climate-regime shifts [abs.]:  Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 79, no. 48, p. F277. [Abstract and full poster]

Trabant, D.C., and Mayo, L.R., 1985, Estimation and effects of internal accumulation of five glaciers in Alaska: Annals of Glaciology, v. 6, p. 113-117.

Truffer, M., Harrison, W.D., and March, R.S., 2005, Correspondence - Record negative glacier balances and low velocities during the 2004 heatwave in Alaska, USA: implications for the interpretation of observations by Zwally and others in Greenland, Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 51, No. 175, pp. 663-664. [PDF]

U.S. Geological Survey, 1967-78 and 1990-97, Water resources data for Alaska: Water Data Reports AK-67 to AK-78 and AK-90 to AK-97, annual reports of daily stream discharge.

Walters, R.A., and Meier, M.F., 1989, Variability of glacier mass balances in western North America, in Peterson, D.H., Aspects of climate variability in the Pacific and western Americas: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph 55, p. 365-374.


For information on how to obtain a copy of  the USGS reports cited in the list, contact:

Earth Science Information Center
U.S. Geological Survey
4230 University Drive, Room 101
Anchorage, AK 99508-4664

or send email here.

Maintainer: Rod March
Last update: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 04:36 PM