2009 DOE INCITE Projects Allocated at ORNL In 2009, Oak Ridge National Laboratory will make nearly 470 million processor hours available on Jaguar, its Cray XT supercomputer, under the Department of Energy's INCITE program.

DOE Press Release | NCCS Press Release
FY09 Projects | Access & Accounts
ORNL supercomputer simulation wins Gordon Bell Prize A team led by ORNL's Thomas Schulthess received the prestigious 2008 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Gordon Bell Prize Thursday after attaining the fastest performance ever in a scientific supercomputing application.Full story »
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Petascale Computing on Jaguar

Jaguar is the most powerful computer system for science with world leading performance. The new 1.64-petaflop Cray XT Jaguar features more than 180,000 processing cores, each with 2 gigabytes of local memory.
Click here to learn more.



Recently Run Jobs at NCCS
6,980Climate-Science Computational End Station Development and Grand Challenge Team
6,144Molecular Simulation of Complex Chemical Systems
2,788Predictive and Accurate Monte Carlo-based Simulations for Mott Insulators, Cuprate Superconductors, and Nanoscale Systems
2,048Verification and Validation of Petascale Simulation of Turbulent Transport in Fusion Plasmas
2,048Verification and Validation of Petascale Simulation of Turbulent Transport in Fusion Plasmas