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ISHS Scientific Structure of Sections, Commissions, Working Groups

The Scientific Structure of the International Society for Horticultural Science is based on its 10 crop related Sections and 14 discipline related Commissions.
Each year Section and Commission Chairs meet in the ISHS Executive Committee. Within the structure of Sections/Commissions more than 100 Working Groups are active.
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Section/Commission Name (click for details) Chairperson
Section Citrus [ SECI ] Prof. L. Gene Albrigo
Section Banana and Plantain [ SEBA ] Dr. Richard H. Markham
Section Pome and Stone Fruits [ SEFR ] Dr. Anthony David Webster
Section Vine and Berry Fruits [ SEVI ] Prof. Dr. Ben Ami Bravdo
Section Nuts and Mediterranean Climate Fruits [ SENU ] Dr. Damiano Avanzato
Section Tropical and Subtropical Fruits [ SETS ] Dr. Jacky Ganry
Section Medicinal and Aromatic Plants [ SEME ] Prof. Dr. Akos Máthé
Section Ornamental Plants [ SEOP ] Prof. Dr. Richard A. Criley
Section Root and Tuber Crops [ SERT ] Dr. William Roca
Section Vegetables [ SEVE ] Prof. Dr. Silvana Nicola
Commission Fruits and Vegetables and Health [ CMFV ] Dr. Yves Desjardins
Commission Sustainability through Integrated and Organic Horticulture [ CMOR ] Dr. Robert K. Prange
Commission Biotechnology and Molecular Biology [ CMBT ] Prof. Dr. Roderick A. Drew
Commission Economics and Management [ CMEM ] Prof. Dr. Peter P. Oppenheim
Commission Education, Research Training and Consultancy [ CMET ] Prof. Dr. Errol W. Hewett
Commission Horticultural Engineering [ CMEN ] Dr. Sadanori Sase
Commission Nomenclature and Cultivar Registration [ CMNR ] Dr. Janet Cubey
Commission Plant Protection [ CMPP ] Dr. Chris Hale
Commission Irrigation and Plant Water Relations [ CMIR ] Prof. Dr. Maria Isabel F.R. Ferreira
Commission Plant Substrates and Soilless Culture [ CMPS ] Prof. Dr. W.H. Schnitzler
Commission Quality and Post Harvest Horticulture [ CMPH ] Prof. Dr. Pietro Tonutti
Commission Protected Cultivation [ CMPC ] Dr. Nicolas Castilla
Commission Landscape and Urban Horticulture [ CMUH ] Prof.Dr.rer.hort.habil.Gert D.Groening
Commission Plant Genetic Resources [ CMGR ] Dr. Kim Hummer