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  The NRC Virtual Store will be closed for maintenance on January 17th, from 8:00 A.M. until 12:00 P.M. The Virtual Store will resume normal operation on January 17th at 12:00 P.M. (EDST). We apologize for any inconvenience.  

NRC HighlightsJanuary 2009

Dr. Susan O'Donnell conducts a video content analysis at NRC's e-Citizen Studio in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Research on archived video of group events can reveal social interactions and technology needs that were not apparent in real-time observations.

Weaving broadband into our cultural fabric

Broadband visual communication technology — first installed in remote northern communities in community health centres, distance education classrooms and First Nations' band councils — requires networks with far more bandwidth than high speed Internet. It also allows "get-togethers" that were once impossible.

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NRC President
Pierre Coulombe

Advancing information and communication technologies

When the federal government named ICT as one of its priorities for S&T investment, NRC responded by launching a sector strategy. It lays the groundwork for meeting the needs of Canadian firms.

NRC researchers are applying GPS-based tools to help construction workers find steel components more efficiently.

 High tech tools for construction

NRC has established a new research centre in London, Ontario that will provide novel tools to help boost the productivity of Canadian construction companies. Called the NRC Centre for Computer-assisted Construction Technologies.


 Supercomputer aids deep probes of space

NRC is playing a vital role in upgrading the world's biggest radio telescope, the Very Large Array (VLA) at the U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory near Socorro, New Mexico.

The NRC-IMS team of Drs. Pawel Hawrylak, Andy Sachrajda, Sergei Studenikin and Guy Austing (left to right), with a liquid helium cryostat. The cryostat cools equipment that measures NRC's semiconductor quantum dot structures.

 Building a quantum computer

What if a computer exclusively used the quantum properties of electrons rather than their classical properties? These computers would transcend today's microprocessors by following completely different quantum physics rules to solve problems.


 Wireless sensors for smart buildings

Today, building sensors can be used to detect a wide variety of environmental conditions such as carbon dioxide, temperature, light levels, noise levels and occupancy rates. Such data could then be collated centrally where "some intelligence is applied" to decide whether it's necessary to change operational settings.

Photo of the Month

Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph

Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph

This image shows newborn galaxy NGC 628 – dubbed the Perfect Spiral Galaxy – in the constellation Pisces. The remarkable "first light" image was captured with an instrument called the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph.

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Date Modified: 2009-01-12
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