National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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NRC-CISTI can provide information on threats and opportunities using an integrated and holistic approach which is based on simultaneous considerations around the technical, market and business issues that are present from the beginning to the end of the innovation process. It provides insights and action oriented information to support IP related decisions and/or technology transfer and technology commercialization activities: assess the innovation/market potential of R&D projects and their commercial viability.

Some of the key benefits:

  • Positions key actors and various stakeholders surrounding a new technology
  • Minimizes the financial risk of investing in major innovation development projects
  • Allows a better understanding of existing/emerging trends

Strategic Technical Information Analysis (STIA): Highly trained and experienced NRC-CISTI information analysts who, with the help of cutting-edge software applications:

  • screen patent information and scientific, technical and business databases
  • identify "who" is doing "what"
  • Clean and organize data to avoid misinterpretation
  • Validate and cross-reference the content
  • Analyze the data and information to highlight patterns and trends

NRC-CISTI also offers Competitive Technical Intelligence (CTI) services. Technical Business Analysts (TBA) and Information Specialists (IS), with a high level of training and extensive experience, work together to provide customized analysis of large volumes of published and unpublished sources of information that relate to your areas of R&D. Theycan help in:

  • identifying similar projects around the globe
  • suggesting which applications of your technology might be most profitable in the marketplace
  • listing potential collaborators and partners
  • encouraging or discouraging technology acquisition, partnering and/or R&D investments

This service is offered through NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) and NRC Technology Clusters initiatives.

Date Modified: 2008-07-16
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