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Compare Prices of Organic
and Conventional Foods

This amazing tool from the Rodale Institute, allows you to compare organic and conventional foods in twelve major metropolitan areas.

Who Owns What?

Download Charts Documenting the Corporate Takeover of Organics:

US Government Fact Sheet:

Children's Pesticide Exposure via Food Products

How to Start a Food Co-opCo-op Grocer Magazine's

Online Guide to Starting a Food Co-op

Sharing the Harvest by Elizabeth Henderson & Robyn Van En

A Citizens Guide to Community Supported Agriculture More info/order

Hope's Edge
by Frances Moore Lappe

Hope's Edge by Frances Moore Lappé and Anna LappéHope's Edge looks for pathways we each can walk to create more meaningful lives--contributing to a more just world and one in harmony with nature.
More info/order

Sustainable Agriculture
and Resistance

Sustainable Agriculture and ResistanceIncludes the contribution of 32 of Cuba's leading agriculture researchers, plus three American experts on Cuba agriculture, including Dr. Peter Rosset, the co-director of Food First. Read More

Good Growing: Why Organic Farming Works - University of Nebraska Press, 2005