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Houston, Texas

People discussing health of women with disabilities
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CROWD News and Highlights for Spring, 2008

Peg Nosek in her spring watergarden, March 2007 CROWD logo


CROWD Health Promotion Campaign for Women with Physical Limitations has been incredibly successful!

The Center for Research on Women with Disabilities is nearing the end of its health promotion campaign for women with disabilities, funded by the Houston Endowment, Inc. As a result of this campaign we have created this website, developed materials on health promotion topics of interest to women with disabilities, participated in health fairs throughout the Houston area, and reached 15,000 members of our intended audiences--women with physical disabilities and those who care about them.

a display of CROWD's health promotion posters and newsletters in English and Spanish Here is a list of materials in English and Spanish that have been produced by CROWD faculty and staff about health promotion for women with physical disabilities as part of our series called "Removing Health Disparities for Women with Physical Disabilities"/"Removiendo Desigualdades de las Mujeres con Discapacidades dentro de la Salud". These materials are available in text-only versions on this web site plus links to full color PDF files. We welcome anyone, especially women with disabilities and those working in the fields of independent living, rehabilitation, disability services, health care, and health promotion, to make free and frequent use of this information. All of these materials may be reprinted and distributed without charge. There is no need to ask our permission to use these documents; however, we do ask that you indicate our authorship.

A full color poster with photos, featuring five tips for staying healthy and active:

  1. Believe in yourself.
  2. Honor your body.
  3. Be a thread in the fabric of your community.
  4. Defy the myths.
  5. Demand Answers.

Un poster del color con fotos, con cinco consejo para permanecer activa y sana:

  1. Crea en usted misma.
  2. Honre su cuerpo.
  3. Sea un hilo en la tela de su comunidad.
  4. Desafíe los mitos.
  5. Exija respuestas.
  • Health Risks for Women with Physical Limitations, a full color poster offering statistics on health disparities faced by women with physical limitations compared to women without limitations [PDF, poster in English] [text only]

  • Riesgos de Salud para Mujeres con Limitaciones Físicas, un poster del color con fotos, con estadísticas sobre las disparidades de la salud experimentado para las mujeres con limitaciones físicas comparadas con las mujeres sin limitaciones [PDF poster en inglés] [texto español solamente]

Other available information:

How to contact CROWD:

  • Click below on "Contact: CROWD"
  • Toll-free phone: 800-44-CROWD (800-442-7693)
  • Local phone: 713-523-0909
  • Fax: 713-523-0466
  • Mail: 1475 West Gray, Suite 165, Houston, TX 77019

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January 14, 2009

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