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National Science Bowl®

for High School Students


Welcome Volunteers!

The Science Bowl would not happen without support of hundreds of local volunteers who serve as competition officials. To volunteer for a regional event in your area, please contact the regional coordinator at the regional event closest to you.  Click here for information about the location of the regional events and people to contact to volunteer to assist for a regional competition in your area.

All ages and skill levels are encouraged to volunteer for science bowl.  Students of all grades and student groups are welcome to volunteer for service hour credits.  Everyone can pitch in to help with general event tasks, such as competition set-up, registering teams, facilitating breakfast or lunch, checking in volunteers, taking photos, running scores, and clean-up.  During the competition, volunteers are also needed to be competition room officials (see descriptions below).  Volunteers with special skills such as graphic arts, engineering, media relations, or recruiting sponsors are welcome year-round.  We appreciate all volunteers!

We also encourage you to volunteer for a local middle school science bowl competition.

Submit a question for consideration using our online form.