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Scientific Data Documentation
Inventory of Long Term Care Places, 1986

General Information

 This material provides documentation for users of the micro-data
 tape of the Inventory of Long-Term Care Places (ILTCP) Survey
 conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) in
 cooperation with the National Center for Health Services Research
 (NCHSR), and Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA).
 Section I, "Description of the Inventory of Long-Term Care
 Places", includes information on the history of the ILTCP, the
 scope of the survey, data collection procedures, and editing
 procedures.  Section II provides technical details of the tape
 (number of tracks, record length, etc.).  Section III provides a
 detailed description of the contents of each data record, by


 This document is to be used with the 1986 ILTCP micro-data tape.
 This ILTCP data tape contains approximately 26,500 nursing and
 related-care homes and about 14,500 facilities for the mentally
 retarded. The total number of homes on this tape is approximately


 The NCHS in cooperation with HCFA, and the NCHSR employed the
 Bureau of the Census to conduct the 1986 ILTCP.  The purpose of
 the survey was to provide a current sampling frame for two
 portions (nursing and related care homes, and facilities for the
 mentally retarded) of the Institutional Population Component of
 the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey.

   Construction of ILTCP File
 The file was constructed by the Long-Term Care Statistics Branch
 (LTCSB) of NCHS.  The starting point for nursing and related-care
 homes was the final data tape from the 1982 National Master
 Facility Inventory (NMFI) plus new facilities added through April
 of 1984.  The starting point for facilities for the mentally
 retarded was a 1982 study by the University of Minnesota's Center
 for Residential and Community Services (CRCS).  There were
 approximately 26,000 nursing homes, etc. and 15,000 mental
 retardation (MR) facilities on these two original files.
 To update the files, letters were sent to over 200 State and
 national agencies in July of 1985 asking them to send LTCSB any
 and all listings that they maintained for nursing and related-
 care homes, and MR facilities.  In September, the LTCSB sent
 follow-up letters to those agencies that had not responded.
 These follow-up letters would very often name the specific types
 of facilities that each agency was known to license or regulate.
 Additional contacts were made to nonresponding agencies during
 October, November, and December.

 The Minnesota CRCS file included places that were obtained
 through contacts with local area MR sources.  Because of
 extremely tight time restraints, LTCSB was unable to contact all
 of these local area sources.  The only ones contacted were those
 sources that were located in States where the number of MR
 facilities reported by LTCSB sources was significantly lower than
 the number reported by CRCS.

 As the listings and directories of facilities were received, they
 were manually matched against the 26,000 nursing homes or 15,000
 MR facilities.  Any facility that could not be found on these two
 original files was considered "new" and was assigned a unique ID
 number.  This number along with the new facility's name and
 address were added to the appropriate nursing home or MR file.

 While working with the CRCS file, almost 1,500 places were found
 with no names or addresses; they were merely given numbers (e.g.,
 Home #78).  The reason for this, apparently, was that certain
 States wanted to keep the location of these types of places
 confidential.  To do this, the data was collected by the State
 and given to CRCS with all identifiers removed.  Without
 addresses, these places were useless, so they were removed from
 the MR file.  (We believe that many of these 1,500 places were
 picked up in the listings obtained from our State sources and
 therefore added back onto the file as new MR facilities.)

    Clean-up of File
 After adding the new facilities, a matching process was begun for
 removing duplicates from within and between the two files.  The
 nursing home file was sorted three different ways: 1) by State,
 first 10 positions of city, and first 10 positions of address; 2)
 by State, first 10 positions of city, and first 10 positions of
 name; 3) by State, zip, and first 10 positions of address.  (In
 choosing only the first 10 positions of the name, address, and
 city fields, more matches were created and more duplicates could
 be caught and removed.) The same procedures were repeated with
 the MR file.  The nursing home and MR files were then merged and
 the above procedures were repeated once again.  If there were any
 doubts as to whether two places were duplicates, both were kept
 on the file.  Whatever duplicates remained on the file would, in
 theory, be reported by the respondents (per instructions on the

 The first questionnaire mailout was begun by the Bureau of the
 Census on February 14, 1986, and this was followed by a reminder
 letter a week later.  On March 14, a second questionnaire mailout
 was sent to all nonresponding facilities, and on April 4 a third
 mailout was sent to the remaining nonrespondents.

 By the end of the third mailout, nearly 3,300 post master returns
 (PMRs) had accumulated.  These were reviewed to determine which
 ones would or would not be eligible for the telephone and
 personal interview follow-up.  As a result of this review,
 approximately 1,400 cases were declared eligible for follow-up,
 while about 1,900 were declared ineligible.  The 1,900 rejects
 fell into three main categories:

 (1)  small residential and family care homes,

 (2)  unknown types of facilities from New Jersey, and

 (3)  places with incomplete names and addresses.

 The first group, with names like "Jane Smith's Guest Home" and
 "Douglas Family Home", had more than likely gone out-of-business.
 More than 600 of these were located in California and Michigan.
 These two States together had more than 8,500 of these small
 residential care facilities on the 1982 NMFI file, and virtually
 all of them were retained on the ILTCP file.  (Only the
 duplicates would have been removed).  Experience has shown that
 these types of places are constantly going in and out-of-
 business.  After a four year interval of not being contacted, it
 is not surprising that 600 of the 8,500 showed up as PMR's.  The
 fact that the post office could not locate them even with
 complete addresses led to the decision to treat them as out-of-
 business and not subject to field follow-up.

 The second group consisted of facilities that were originally
 obtained from New Jersey's Bureau of Rooming and Boarding House
 Standards.  Their listing included everything from board and care
 facilities (which were in-scope) to rooming houses and
 dormitories (which were out-of-scope).  While each facility had a
 classification code, a sizeable number of them had been
 classified as unknown (because they had not yet been visited and
 classified).  To avoid losing the board and care places in this
 group, a decision was made to include all the unknowns and remove
 the out-of-scope during the survey.  Approximately 350 of these
 unknown facilities were found among the PMR's and eliminated from
 the field follow-up.

 The third group consisted of places that simply had inadequate
 and undeliverable names and addresses (e.g., "Resident, Fairfax
 Street, Putnam, CT 06260" and "Group Home, Marietta, GA 30060").

 The field follow-up was completed in July and the final overall
 response rate was 96 percent.

    Past NMFI Surveys
 The inclusion of facilities for the mentally retarded in the 1986
 ILTCP represented the first time since the 1976 NMFI that such
 places were surveyed.  All previous NMFI Surveys (1967 1/, 1969
 2/, 1971 3/ 1973 4/, 1976 5/, 1978 6/, 1980 7/, and 1982 8/)
 included nursing and related-care homes.

    Scope of the Survey
 This tape contains two broad categories of facilities - (1)
 nursing and related-care homes, and (2) facilities for the
 mentally retarded.

 The first category includes skilled nursing facilities (SNF's),
 intermediate care facilities (ICF's), licensed but uncertified
 nursing homes, and residential care facilities (e.g., homes for
 the aged, personal care homes, board and care homes).  The tape
 includes approximately 26,500 of these nursing and related-care
 homes.  Positions 131-132 on the tape contain the letters "NH" to
 identify these homes, and positions 133 subclassifies the homes
 into either "N" for nursing home, "R" for residential care
 facility and "U" if the information reported did not permit a
 distinct classification of either "N" or "R".

 To determine if an 'NH' is also a SNF or ICF you need to check
 for the existence of SNF beds (positions 156-159 for Medicare
 SNF, positions 160-163 for Medicaid SNF), and ICF beds (positions
 164-167).  NCHS classifies any nursing home with SNF beds as a
 SNF, and any nursing home with ICF beds but no SNF beds as an
 ICF.  Hospital-based nursing homes, which can be either SNF or
 ICF, can be identified by an "H" that will appear in position 190
 for these places only.

 The second category, facilities for the mentally retarded,
 includes intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded
 (ICF-MR) and all other facilities for the mentally retarded.
 Positions 131-132 contain "MR" to identify these homes, and
 position 133 subclassified these into either "I" for ICF-MR's or
 "R" for residential (all other MR).

 Positions 141-155 give additional descriptions of each facility.
 Since respondents were told to mark all that apply, those
 facilities that provided multiple levels of service and those
 that served both the elderly and the mentally retarded can be
 identified here (every category that the respondent checked will
 have a "1", all categories not marked will have a "0").


 All nonresponding facilities were removed from this file.  Also
 removed were facilities that provided day care only, outpatient
 care only, or served out-of-scope population (e.g., only served
 blind or deaf, alcoholics, drug abusers, and unwed mothers).

 Extensive work was done to unduplicate the file, but, inevitably,
 some duplicates undoubtedly still remain.  However, if you spot
 what you think are duplicate facilities, do not remove any until
 you have examined them thoroughly.  (Very often two places with
 the same address are not duplicates -they merely have the same
 mailing address.)  If this happens, check the name field to see
 if they are labelled home #1 and home #2, or home A and home B,
 etc.  Compare also the set-up beds (positions 127-130), because
 sometimes one address will have two buildings, one for nursing
 care residents and one for residential care residents.  When this
 occurs the number of beds reported for each building will usually
 be quite different - a strong indication they are not duplicates.

 The facility classification codes in positions 131-133 were
 created by using all available information from the
 questionnaires.  Numerous matrices were used in order to place
 each facility into a category.  Therefore, the facility
 classification codes will not always appear to coincide with the
 facility description in positions 141-155.
 Edits were conducted to correct inconsistencies between data
 items.  For missing items, every attempt was made to impute data
 from existing information, but when this was not possible, 1982
 data was substituted when it was available.


    Tape Record Format
 This section consists of a detailed breakdown of each tape
 record, providing a brief description of each item of data
 included in the records.  The data are arranged sequentially
 according to their physical location on the tape record.  Unless
 otherwise stated in the Item Description, the data are derived
 from the ILTCP survey form.
Tape Positions 1-143
 Name             Position    Format    Item Description and Codes

 Identification   1-9         X(9)      NCHS unique ID number

 Facility         10-55       x(46)     Facility name
 name                                   (left justified and blank

 Street           56-91       x(36)     Street or mailing address
 Address                                (left justified and blank

 City             92-109      x(18)     City
                                        (left justified and blank

 State            110-111     x(2)      State abbreviation

 Zip Code         112-116     9(5)      Zip code of the facility

 Telephone        117-126     9(10)     Area code and telephone
 Number                                 number (if reported).

 Total beds       127-130     9(4)      Total number of set-up

 Type of          131-133     x(3)      NHN = Nursing care
 facility code                          NHB = Board & Care
                                        NUU = Unable to classify
                                        MRI = ICF-MR facility
                                        MRB = Board & Care
                                        (Nursing Home = 'NH'
                                        Mental Retardation = 'MR')

 Type of          134         9(1)      Type of ownership code:
 ownership                                1 = for Profit
                                          2 = Nonprofit
                                          3 = Federal Government
                                          4 = State/Local
 Age group        135-138     9(4)      Age group served

                  135         9(1)        under 18
                                            1 = reported
                                            2 = not reported

                  136         9(1)        18-20
                                            1 = reported
                                            2 = not reported

                  137         9(1)         21-64
                                             1 = reported
                                             2 = not reported

                  138         9(1)         65+
                                             1 = reported
                                             2 = not reported

 Types of         139-140     9(2)      Types of persons served
 persons                                primarily or exclusively:
 served                                   01 = Mentally ill only
                                          02 = Mentally retarded
                                               or development
                                               disabled only
                                          03 = Mentally retarded
                                               or mentally ill
                                          04 = Other
                                               neurologically or
                                          05 = Blind or deaf
                                          06 = Unwed mothers
                                          07 = Alcoholics or drug
                                          08 = Orphans or other
                                               dependent children
                                          09 = Terminally ill
                                          10 = Some other special
                                               group (specify)
                                          00 = Does not serve one
                                               special group
                                               primarily or

 Type of          (141-155)   9 (15)     Description of facility
 facility                                (mark all that apply)

                  141         9 (1)      A skilled nursing
                                         facility certified
                                         under either Medicare or
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  142         9(1)       An intermediate care
                                         facility (ICF)
                                         certified under Medicaid
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  143         9(1)       An intermediate care
                                         facility certified
                                         by Medicaid for the
                                         mentally retarded
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked
Tape Positions 144-167
                  144         9(1)       A licensed but not
                                         certified nursing home
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  145         9(1)       A long-term care
                                         wing/unit of a licensed
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  146         9(1)       A nursing care unit of a
                                         retirement center
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked
                  147         9(1)       A sheltered or custodial
                                         care home, including home
                                         for the aged, adult
                                         foster care home, board
                                         and care home
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  148         9(1)       Some other kind of
                                         nursing or personal care
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  149         9(1)       A foster home for the
                                         mentally retarded/
                                         developmentally disabled
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  150         9(1)       A group residence for the
                                         mentally retarded/
                                         developmentally disabled
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  151         9(1)       A semi-independent living
                                         program for the mentally
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  152         9(1)       A State institution for
                                         the mentally retarded/
                                         developmentally disabled
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  153         9(1)       Some other kind of place
                                         for the mentally
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  154         9(1)       Day care facility or
                                         outpatient facility only
                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

                  155         9(1)       None of the above

                                           1 = this facility type
                                               was marked
                                           2 = this facility type
                                               was not marked

 Medicare         156-159     9(4)       Number of beds certified
 skilled (SNF)                           by Medicare as skilled
 beds                                    beds

 Medicaid         160-163     9(4)       Number of beds certified
 skilled (SNF)                           by Medicaid as skilled

 Medicaid         164-167     9(4)       Number of beds certified
 intermediate                            by Medicaid as
 (ICF) beds                              intermediate care beds

Tape Positions 168-190

 Medicaid         168-171     9(4)       Number of beds certified
 intermediate                            by Medicaid as
 (ICF-MR) beds                           intermediate care beds in
                                         a retarded/
                                         developmentally disabled

 Admissions       172-175     9(4)       Number of residents
                                         admitted to homes in
                                         1985.  These data have
                                         not been edited.
                                         There tends to be an
                                         overcount of admissions
                                         reported for homes that
                                         are part of another
                                         health facility.
                                         For example, when asking
                                         for admissions for the
                                         nursing care unit,
                                         admissions reported
                                         included not only the
                                         count for the nursing
                                         care unit, but also a
                                         count for the health
                                         facility which the
                                         nursing care unit is
                                         attached to.

 Facility         176         9(1)       In operation all of 1985
 status                                    1 = yes
                                           2 = no

 Months in        177-178     9(2)       Number of months in
 operation                               operation if less than a

 Total            179-182     9(4)       Number of current
 residents                               residents in facility
                                         last night

 Edit flags       183-189     9(7)       (A blank in these edit
                                         fields means no
                                         imputations were made to
                                         the field).

                  183         9(1)       Edit flag for ownership
                                           8 = used 1982 data if
                                           1 = imputed a '1' for
                                               all other

                  184         9(1)       Edit flag for set-up beds
                                           8 = Used certified
                                               beds, residents, or
                                               1982 data

                  185         9(1)       Edit flag for SNF
                                         Medicare beds
                                           8 = Used 1982 data
                                           1 = Rep1aced blanks
                                               with zeros

                  186         9(1)       Edit flag for SNF
                                         Medicaid beds
                                           8 = Used 1982 data
                                           1 = Replaced blanks
                                               with zeros

                  187         9(1)       Edit flag for ICF beds
                                           8 = Used 1982 data
                                           1 = Replaced blanks
                                               with zeros

                  188         9(1)       Edit flag for ICF-MR beds
                                           1 = replaced blanks
                                               with zeros

                  189         9 1        Edit flag for residents
                                           3 = used sum of age
                                               groups if available

 Hospital-based   190         X(1)       A nursing home that is
 nursing homes                           attached to nursing
                                         homes a hospital
                                           H = hospital-based
                                               nursing homes

 Filler           191-200     X(10)      Blanks


 1. National Center for Health Statistics: Inpatient health
    facilities as reported from the 1967 MFI Survey, by A. Sirrocco.
    Vital and Health Statistics. Series 14, No. 4. DHEW Pub. No.
    (HSM) 72-1065.  Public Health Services and Mental Health
    Administration.  Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office,
    June 1972.

 2. National Center for Health Statistics: Inpatient health
    facilities as reported from the 1969 MFI Survey, by A. Sirrocco.
    Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 14, No. h. DHEW Pub. No.
    (HSM) 73-1801.  Health Services and Mental Health Administration.
    Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Dec. '972.

 3. National Center for Health Statistics: Inpatient health
    facilities as reported from the 1971 MFI Survey, by A. Sirrocco.
    Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 14, No. 6. DHEW Pub. No.
    (HSM) 74-1807.  Health Services and Mental Health Administration.
    Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Mar. l974.

 4. National Center for Health Statistics: Inpatient health
    facilities as reported from the 1973 MFI Survey, by A. Sirrocco.
    Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 14, No. 16. DHEW Pub. No.
    (HRA 76-1811.  Health Resources Administration.  Washington. U.S.
    Government Printing Office, May 1976.

 5. National Center for Health Statistics: Inpatient health
    facilities as reported from the 1976 MI Survey, by J. F. Sutton
    and A. Sirrocco.  Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 14, No.
    23. DHEW Pub. No. (PHS) 80-1818.  Public Health Service.
    Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1980.

 6. National Center for Health Statistics: Inpatient health
    facilities as reported from the 1978 MFI Survey, by G.  Strahan.
    Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 14, No. 24. DHHS Pub. No.
    (PAS) 81-1819.  Office of Health Resources Statistics and
    Technology.  Hyattsville, Md.  U.S. Government Printing Office.
    Mar. 1981.

 7. National Center for Health Statistics: Nursing and related-
    care homes as reported from 1980 NMFI Survey, by A. Sirrocco.
    Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 14, No. 29. DHHS Pub. No.
    (PHS) 84-1824. Public Health Service.  Washington. U.S.
    Government Printing office, Dec. 1983.

 8. National Center for Health Statistics: Nursing and related-
    care homes as reported from the 1982 NMFI Survey, by D. Roper.
    Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 14, No. 32. DHHS Pub. No.
    (PHS) 86-1824.  Public Health Service.  Washington.  U.S.
    Government Printing Office, Sept. 1986.

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007