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CABI International

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CABI is a not for profit organization established by a United Nations treaty level agreement between more than 40 Member Countries. Each Member Country has an equal role in the organization's governance, policies and strategic direction in addition to enjoying a number of privileges and services relating to our scientific expertise, products and resources. These include disease identification, capacity building and information products.

The supreme governing board of CABI is the Review Conference of Member Countries, which reviews CABI's work programme every three to five years and determines its broad policies and strategies. An Executive Council, with a representative from each Member Country, meets in London usually twice a year to monitor CABI's affairs and the implementation of the Review Conference resolutions. The next scheduled conference is 2008.

Most importantly, membership of CABI gives national governments a leadership role in directing and influencing the global development agenda through the work of the organization and its international network of partners.

Member countries

The following countries are members of CABI:


The benefits of CABI membership

  • A role in the direct governance of CABI through an Executive Council of country representatives
  • The opportunity to share knowledge and experience with other Member Countries and their agricultural and environmental institutions to address common development goals
  • Links to CABI’s research centres around the world all working directly with members
  • Connection to a global network of partners from public, private and civil society organizations
  • Training and capacity development in key areas of science and information management
  • Delivery of programmes driven directly by your national and regional priorities
  • Access to additional capabilities and resources to help deliver your agricultural and environmental national agendas
  • On behalf of our members CABI maintains the world's largest database of published information from agricultural science (around five million entries) and makes this knowledge available to users in various forms
  • Contact with our leading scientific specialists in key areas of information and applied research
  • Our extensive microbial resource collection and supporting expertise is available for your research
  • Access to our knowledge management expertise. We work in partnership with government policy makers, research institutions and local farming communities to collate and share information
  • Access to the CABI Partnership Facility, which provides funding for small country projects

How to become a member of CABI

CABI Country membership is determined among our Member Countries and requires formal submission by the country concerned.

If you would like to become a member of CABI, send a letter addressed to our Chief Executive Officer expressing your interest. He will contact you outlining the next steps.

Send your letter to:

Dr. Trevor Nicholls
CABI Head Office
Nosworthy Way
OX10 8DE, UK