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Welcome to BugFiles, a database designed to help gardeners identify the insects, spiders, and butterflies in their gardens. BugFiles continues to grow through the collaborative efforts of 1,374 gardeners from around the world. Any registered user may add new insects, images, comments, and ZIP codes.

There are 5,459 bugs listed, with 9,046 images and 1,816 comments in our database.

You may search for entries by common or scientific name, or browse through an entire order of bugs to find what you're looking for. If you would like to add your own photo, description, or other details to a particular insect or bug, you will find the links to do just that under the current information within each entry.

If you know of a bug that is not yet in our database we invite you to add it. (You must be a registered member of Dave's Garden to create new entries, or add information and photos to our database. Membership is free, click here for instructions.)

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Browse bug orders:

OrderOrder Common NameImage
Acari Mites and Ticks Thumbnail of American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis)
Amphipoda Amphipods Thumbnail of Land Hopper (Arcitalitrus sylvaticus)
Araneae Spiders Thumbnail of Writing Spider, Scribbler, Black and Yellow Argiope (Argiope aurantia)
Architaenioglossa Apple Snails Thumbnail of Florida Apple Snail (Pomacea paludosa)
Basommatophora Thumbnail of Freshwater Limpet (Ferrissia petterdi)
Cephalostigmata Pseudocentipedes, Symphyla Thumbnail of Pseudocentipede (Hanseniella sp.)
Coleoptera Beetles Thumbnail of Reddish-brown Stag Beetle (Pseudolucanus capreolus)
Collembola Springtails Thumbnail of Springtail (Podura aquatica)
Cydnidae Burrowing Bugs
Decapoda Crabs and Crayfish Thumbnail of Red Swamp Crawfish, Crayfish, Crawdad, Mudbug (Procambarus clarkii)
Dermaptera Earwigs Thumbnail of Linear Earwig (Doru lineare)
Dictyoptera (part 1) Cockroaches Thumbnail of  (Temnelytra subtruncata)
Dictyoptera (part 2) Mantids Thumbnail of Chinese Mantid (Tenodera aridifolia)
Diptera Flies Thumbnail of Lesser Brown Blowfly, Bluebodied Blowfly (Calliphora augur)
Ephemeroptera Mayflies Thumbnail of Mayfly (Hexagenia limbata)
Geophilomorpha Soil Centipedes Thumbnail of Soil Centipede (Strigamia sp.)
Haplotaxida Earthworms Thumbnail of Grey Worm (Aporrectodea caliginosa)
Hemiptera True Bugs Thumbnail of Cactus Coreid Bug (Cheilinidea vittiger)
Homoptera Cicadas, Hoppers and Aphids Thumbnail of Dog Day Cicada (Tibicen canicularis)
Hymenoptera (part 1) Ants Thumbnail of Bulldog Ant, Bull Ant, Inchman (Myrmecia forficata)
Hymenoptera (part 2) Bees Thumbnail of Honeybee (Apis mellifera)
Hymenoptera (part 3) Wasps Thumbnail of Common Yellow Jacket (Paravespula vulgaris)
Isopoda Isopods, Slaters and Woodlice Thumbnail of European Sow Bug (Oniscus asellus)
Isoptera Termites Thumbnail of Long-jawed Desert Termite (Gnathamitermes perplexus)
Julida Julid Millipedes Thumbnail of Black Portuese Millipede (Ommatoiulus moreleti)
Lepidoptera (part 1) Butterflies Thumbnail of Butterfly Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)
Lepidoptera (part 2) Moths Thumbnail of Ornate Tiger Moth (Apantesis ornata)
Lithobiomorpha Stone Centipedes Thumbnail of Stone Centipede (Lithobius peregrinus)
Mecoptera Scorpion-flies Thumbnail of Scorpion Fly (Panorpa communis)
Neuroptera Lacewings Thumbnail of Golden-eyed Lacewing (Chrysopa oculata)
Odonata (part 1) Damselflies Thumbnail of River Jewelwing (Calopteryx aequabilis)
Odonata (part 2) Dragonflies Thumbnail of Sedge Darner, Common Hawker (Aeshna juncea)
Opiliones Harvestmen Thumbnail of Harvestman (Megalopsalis serritarsus)
Orthoptera Grasshoppers and Crickets Thumbnail of Yellow-winged Locust (Gastrimargus musicus)
Phasmatodea Stick Insects and Walking Sticks Thumbnail of Two-Striped Walkingstick, Palmetto Walkingstick, Devil Rider, Musk Mare (Anisomorpha buprestoides)
Plecoptera Stoneflies Thumbnail of Stonefly (Trinotoperla sinuosa)
Polydesmida Polydesmid Millipedes Thumbnail of Flat-backed Millipede (Oxidus gracilis)
Psocoptera Book Lice, Bark Lice
Pulmonata Slugs and Snails Thumbnail of Pacific Sideband (Monadenia fidelis)
Scolopendromorpha Scolopendromorph Centipedes Thumbnail of Orange-footed Centipede (Cormocephalus aurantipes)
Scorpiones Scorpions Thumbnail of Wood Scorpion (Cercophonius squama)
Scutigeromorpha House Centipedes Thumbnail of House Centipede (Allothereua maculata)
Spirobolida Spirobolid Millipedes Thumbnail of American Giant Millipede (Narceus americanus)
Systellommatophora Land Slugs Thumbnail of Florida Leatherleaf (Leidyula floridana)
Thysanoptera Thrips
Trichoptera Caddis-flies Thumbnail of Zebra Caddisfly (Macrostemum zebratum)
Tricladida Flatworms, Land Planarians Thumbnail of Mollusc-eating Hammerhead Worm (Bipalium vagum)
Uropygi Tailed Whip-scorpions Thumbnail of Giant Vinegarone (Mastigoproctus giganteus)
Zygentoma Silverfish Thumbnail of Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina)

The latest images:

Orchard Bee (Osmia cornuta) bonitin Image
Banksia Jewel Beetle (Cyrioides imperialis) kennedyh Image
Orchard Bee (Osmia cornuta) bonitin Image
Orchard Bee (Osmia cornuta) bonitin Image
Soldier Beetle (Chauliognathus tricolor) aussietrev Image
Orchard Bee (Osmia cornuta) bonitin Image
(Proteuxoa paragypsa) kennedyh Image
(Proteuxoa paragypsa) kennedyh Image
Florida Leatherleaf (Leidyula floridana) KnotRough Image
Florida Leatherleaf (Leidyula floridana) KnotRough Image
Many Plumed Moth (Alucita xanthodes) aussietrev Image
Regal Jumping Spider (Phidippus regius) maegan328 Image
Flesh Fly (Sarcophaga carnaria) bootandall Image
Banksia Jewel Beetle (Cyrioides imperialis) kennedyh Image
Emperor Moth, Mopane Worm (Gonimbrasia belina) softwaters Image
Carolina Mantid, Praying Mantis (Stagmomantis carolina) Twincol Image
Emperor Moth, Mopane Worm (Gonimbrasia belina) softwaters Image
Emperor Moth, Mopane Worm (Gonimbrasia belina) softwaters Image
Aloe Gall Mite, Aloe Wart Mite, Aloe Mite (Aceria aloinis) palmbob Image
Aloe Gall Mite, Aloe Wart Mite, Aloe Mite (Aceria aloinis) palmbob Image
Aloe Gall Mite, Aloe Wart Mite, Aloe Mite (Aceria aloinis) palmbob Image
Eyed Elator, Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus) WUVIE Image
(Proteuxoa rubripuncta) kennedyh Image
(Rhapsa suscitatalis) kennedyh Image
Swift Moth (Abantiades labyrinthicus) kennedyh Image

The latest comments:

BugMemberRating Type
Western Black Widow (Latrodectus hesperus) Tokoro Neutral
Stink Bug, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) gaddict Negative
Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae) Pugzley Negative
Sheridan's Hairstreak (Callophrys sheridanii) varcrocko Neutral
Stink Bug, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) sallyg Neutral
Large Milkweed Bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus) LindaTX8 Negative
Western forest scorpion (Uroctonus mordax) Katlian Neutral
Squash Bug (Anasa armigera) DASIYS Negative
Chorus Cicada (Amphipsalta zelandica) bootandall Neutral
Steelblue Ladybird (Halmus chalybeus) bootandall Positive
Lantana Lace Bug (Teleonemia scrupulosa) htop Neutral
Stink Bug, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) mojitomadness Negative
Writing Spider, Scribbler, Black and Yellow Argiope (Argiope aurantia) JuneyBug Positive
Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae) SusanLouise Positive
White Lined Sphinx (Hyles lineata) SusanLouise Positive
Monarch (Danaus plexippus) SusanLouise Positive
Eastern Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) SusanLouise Positive
Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica) LadyAshleyR Negative
Western Conifer Seed Bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis) LadyAshleyR Negative
Short-winged Blister Beetle (Meloe angusticollis) LadyAshleyR Negative
Hickory Tussock Moth (Lophocampa caryae) LadyAshleyR Negative
Azalea Lace Bug (Stephanitis pyrioides) dblovesplants Negative
Western Conifer Seed Bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis) pmbrodsk Neutral
Striped Wolf Spider (Rabidosa punctulata) Ladypearl Positive
Squash Bug (Anasa tristis) Ladypearl Negative

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