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Action Alert

Call for an Immediate Moratorium on
US Incentives for Agrofuel

More than 100 US based and international organizations, including the Organic Consumers Association, are calling for a moratorium on government subsidies for industrial-scale monoculture agrofuels. While billions of dollars in subsidies for corn, soy and palm oil-based agrofuels, like ethanol and biodiesel, certainly result in higher profits for corporate giants such as Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, and Monsanto, their overall contribution to reducing greenhouse gases is negligible.

In addition, millions of acres of carbon sequestering tropical rainforest and wetlands in the Amazon and Asia are being destroyed in order to make way for soy and palm oil plantations. Government support for agrofuels in the U.S., basically subsidies for genetically engineered corn and soybeans, are already costing taxpayers billions of dollars.

Learn more and sign the Agrofuel Moratorium Petition today!

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