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CABI International

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CABI is a not for profit organization specializing in the publication of a variety of high-quality scientific resources, covering a broad range of subject areas within the life sciences...

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Meet the people behind our publishing products...

Our subject coverage:

Agriculture, including animal production and welfare, horticulture, crop science and protection, applied economics and rural studies

Environmental science, including biodiversity, ecology and climate change, forestry, soil science, and hydrology

Plant science, including biotechnology, plant biology, breeding and genetics, and plant protection

Animal and veterinary science, including animal nutrition, welfare, parasitology and infectious diseases, aquaculture and equine science

Microbiology and parasitology, including mycology, bacteriology and virology

Human health and nutrition, including public health and communicable diseases

Leisure, recreation and tourism

Our key products include...

CAB Abstracts - the leading abstracts database for agriculture, environment, animal and veterinary sciences, tourism and human health

Global Health - the only specialist bibliographic, abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health research and practice

Books  - high quality encyclopedias, dictionaries, monographs and textbooks

Abstract Journals - subject specific abstract journals derived from CAB Abstracts and Global Health

Internet resources - subject specific portals linked to relevant areas of CAB Abstracts, with valuable added benefits such as reviews and news articles

Interactive, encyclopedic Compendia - online resources incorporating a vast amount of research and practical information in one place.

Our mission

Proceeds from our publishing activities are reinvested in the development of new information products, and are used to fund our projects promoting sustainable agriculture and environmental solutions in developing and developed countries. In this way CABI works to meet its mission of improving people's lives worldwide.