Communications and Market Outreach

Buildings VIII Conference Information

The mission of the Communications and Market Outreach group is to relay the results of the research and development being performed at the Buildings Technology Center (BTC) to a variety of audiences to encourage cooperative agreements and increased use of energy-efficient and environmentally safe building technologies.

The Communications and Market Outreach group provides customized information on:

The group also directs an international building envelope conference featuring over 150 presenters; hosts exhibits at the International Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigerating Exposition; and promotes a kiosk that after entering zip code and house characteristics, recommends the most cost-effective type and amount of insulation for a homeowner.

The Communications and Market Outreach group markets energy-efficient building technologies through numerous media, including kiosks, CD-ROMs, the Internet, conferences and displays, published articles, and targeted mailings.

By participating in International Energy Agency programs, the group promotes U.S. technologies internationally while facilitating cooperative research among experts in various countries.

Networking with private industry, other national laboratories, universities, and building associations, along with strong leadership from the Department of Energy, is our key success.

For more information, contact the BTC Communications and Market Outreach manager:

Pat M. Love
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008, MS 6070
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6070

Phone Number: (865) 574-4346
Fax Number: (865) 574-9331

BTC Home Page

Updated February 1, 2001 by Joan E. Carrington