Heating and Cooling Equipment R&D

R&D in the building equipment area focuses on laboratory and field research, design, and testing of heating and cooling systems, refrigeration systems, components, and replacement refrigerants. Areas of expertise include high-efficiency electric and gas heat pumps, refrigerator/freezer modifications to increase efficiency and eliminate CFC and HCFC refrigerants, cogeneration and central heating and cooling plants, thermally activated gas heat pumps, assessments of global warming impacts of alternative refrigerants, and increased efficiency and environmental compatibility of automobile air-conditioning systems.

BTC researcher

For more information, contact the facility manager for Heating and Cooling Equipment:

Phillip D. Fairchild
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P. O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6070

Phone Number: (865) 574-2020
Fax Number: (865) 574-9329
E-mail: fairchildpd@ornl.gov

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