March 28, 2008

There’s a lot of information out there about herbs and supplements and sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. But if you’re interested in using medicinal herbs, doing your homework first is definitely a good idea.

Herbs can be used to treat many different medical conditions, some mild and some severe. But as with pharmaceutical drugs, herbal medicines can have serious side effects, especially when you start combining them. In general, it’s always a good idea to do a little research on a new medication before you begin taking it and consult your health care provider—especially if you’re taking other herbs or drugs.

Here are a few resources on medicinal herbs that can get you started. Enjoy exploring!


Two recent Mother Earth News articles are a good introduction to this topic, 12 Essential Herbs and What you Should Know about Drugs vs. Herbs.

For more articles on growing and healing with herbs, check out Herb Companion, our sister magazine, which publishes many articles on specific uses of different herbs.

Another useful resource for information about different herbs is the Web site of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. You can search their extensive database to find good background information on different medicinal herbs, including information on recent medical studies and notes on possible side effects.

To find out more about the latest scientific research on different herbs, a great source is The American Botanical Council. This Web site has extensive information available to subscribers, but also provides a number of free resources to the public.

— Megan Phelps, senior associate editor, Mother Earth News 
What vegetables are the best for preventing cancer?
— Samantha Loftus
Ft. Bragg, North Carolina
March 14, 2008

While some cancer has genetic causes, many forms of the disease may be attributed to environmental factors, according to Linda B. White, M.D., assistant professor of Health Professions at Metropolitan State College, Denver. In an upcoming Mother Earth News article on avoiding cancer, she recommends the following:

Crunch cruciferous vegetables. This plant family (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and others) contains glucosinolates, which break down in the body to form…

— Stephanie Bloyd, assistant editor, Mother Earth News 
What are some effective herbal sleep remedies?
— Ephram Ellis
Kellogg, Idaho

Sleep is essential to great health, yet the amount of sleep Americans get each night is on the decline — 100 years ago, nine and a half hours was the nightly average; in the 1960s, the average dropped to eight hours; and today it’s seven and a half hours. Because sleep is so important to your well-being, it’s worthwhile to make it a priority in your life. Try some of the tips below to get the rest you need, naturally.

Important note: If you suffer from persistent sleep problems that don’t respond…

— Amy Mayfield, editor, Herbs for Health magazine 

Macular degeneration, a condition in which the center of the retina deteriorates, is the leading cause of severe vision loss in people 55 and older. Although the condition can’t be reversed, its progression and severity can be slowed by using natural remedies and making healthy lifestyle changes. (If you have macular degeneration, be sure to see an eye doctor regularly to monitor the condition and keep it from worsening.) Here are some herbs, supplements and other suggestions that might help:

* B…

— Amy Mayfield, editor, Herbs for Health magazine 

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