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Village Opens New Elementary School
Saturday, 17 January 2009

Children smile for the camera in the village of Atshiyana, Iraq, Jan. 12, 2009. The children of the community were invited to a school opening in Kirkuk province.  Photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Brian L. Short, 11th Public Affairs Detachment.

FOB WARRIOR — As the security situation in Iraq continues to improve, the number of infrastructure projects around Kirkuk province are on the rise.

Local village leaders, Sons of Iraq members, the school head master, teachers and future students, along with U.S. forces, celebrated one of them - the grand opening of a new elementary school in Atshiyana village, Jan. 12.

Overall, the ceremony was a great success, according to Hawijah council representative Amar Ali Al Hamdany. “Without a school, how can you educate yourself?” he asked. “We now have 240 students who can look forward to a better future because of this school.”

Throughout the day of the ceremony, Sons of Iraq members distributed goods to the school and children. They passed out more than 400 pencils, 75 notebooks and 100 t-shirts.

U.S. Civil Affairs Soldiers joined the locals in the celebration. Having followed the project for more than three months, one Soldier expressed his joy for the newly opened school.

“I’ve been checking on the progress of this project since October,” said Spc. Christopher Loflin, with Detachment 1, B Co., 490th Civil Affairs Battalion.


Feature Stories

Solar Energy Powers Ameriyah Health Clinic

BAGHDAD — A project designed to power a clinic with the sun’s rays was officially completed and marked by a ribbon-cutting ceremony in the Ameriyah neighborhood here, Jan. 15.

The staff of the clinic is now capable of treating patients and delivering babies at any time of the day. Although the clinic has been running on solar power for a few weeks, the staff and supporters wanted to highlight the project with a ceremony.

Iraqi Youth Education is High Priority to GoI

A new playground is among the amenities available for students of the Hurriyah School in the Kadhamiyah district of northwest Baghdad. The school celebrated its grand opening Jan. 15 and will serve the children of the al-Hurriyah neighborhood, providing them an opportunity to attend school locally.  Photo by 1st Infantry Division Public Affairs.BAGHDAD — In the past year, a number of schools across Iraq were renovated by Iraqi and Coalition forces. For one specific neighborhood and its children, the grand opening of the al-Hurriyah School, which was built from the ground up, is a sign that the Government of Iraq is placing a high priority on educating its youth.

The Jan. 15 grand opening was attended by members of the Iraqi Ministry of Education, Hurriyah Neighborhood Council, Iraqi and Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers.

Shaykh Donates Land, Police Station Built

BAGHDAD — As the Security Agreement between the Government of Iraq and Coalition forces gains momentum, the Iraqi people continue to assume the responsibility for the security of their country.

This is no different in the rural, farming area of Arab Jabour, where local citizens took a stand to improve their quality of life and safety by supporting the grand opening of the Arab Jabour Iraqi Police (IP) Station, Jan. 11.


Photos of the Day


Daily Photos, Jan. 15, 2009
(7) Photos, Jan. 15



Daily Photos, Jan. 14, 2009
(7) Photos, Jan. 14

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