Center Publications

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Free Monthly Newsletter
Center for Rural Affairs Newsletter surveys national events affecting Rural America. Special sections include an in-depth feature article, a section of Corporate Farming Notes, and many short, newsy pieces of general interest.

Rural Development Virtual Library
Virtual Library contains resources to enhance opportunity through building assets and wealth. This is the most effective strategy there is to create a future for rural communities and their residents.

Community Development Discussion Guides
Community Development Discussion Guides are tools to use in working with your community in asking the right questions. The discussion guides consist of two parts. One is a list of questions and the other is a facilitator’s manual to empower community leaders to help with the discussions. Once communication and dialogue begins, real change can occur.

Rural Briefs
Rural Briefs analyze Federal Executive, Legislative, and Administrative action concerning rural development and asset-building programs and initiatives. They are published quarterly and on special occasions.

Issue Briefs
Issue Briefs provide analysis and comment on critical and emerging issues of significance to rural people and rural places. They complement more in-depth, longer research reports and studies also done by the Center.

Ag Library
Agricultural resources and activities are a staple of rural communities. Our "Ag Library" contains resources developed by the Center for Rural Affairs. These resources cover programs and practices that will yield a sustainable agricultural future for these communities.

Speeches by Center staff reflect our vision and mission. Whether about a new kind of farm policy or the state of rural America, they are insightful and often challenge conventional thought.