Center for Rural Affairs' Newsletter

The Center for Rural Affairs' newsletter surveys national events affecting Rural America. Special sections include an in-depth feature article, a section of Corporate Farming Notes, and many short, newsy pieces of general interest.

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35 Years! New Rural Opportunities with Your Support

In 2008, nearly 1,000 donors from across the nation helped us shatter our goal to raise $35,000 for our 35th birthday. The final tally was $38,641 in modest gifts from individuals just like you. And in the last quarter, more than 1,000 donors gave over $60,000 to support our efforts to prepare for a new Congress, a new presidency, and new opportunities for family farmers, ranchers, rural communities and rural entrepreneurs, including beginning farmers and ranchers.

Dear Secretary of Agriculture,

Congratulations on your selection to lead the Department of Agriculture. We offer our support and assistance. The President-elect has already provided a compelling mission to guide your efforts in his platform, “Real Leadership for Rural America.”

“Rural communities in America are at a critical point in history. For the past decade, rural America has not been well served by federal policies, and if Republicans and Democrats in Washington continue those misguided policies, rural families will see their economic fortunes fall further behind those of other Americans. But we have the power to set a different course. Innovative rural Americans have proven they can compete in the 21st century. But local initiative must be matched by federal policies that empower rural Americans and family farmers.”

Please consider these recommendations as you launch your efforts to achieve that mission.

Post-Election Is Prime Time for Health Care Reform Goals

New members of Congress take their places in Washington, D.C. this month. With the election behind them, legislators face the difficult task of living up to campaign promises. While the economy is a top priority, health care reform is sorely needed and is critical to rebuilding our economy, especially in rural America. Members of Congress are already putting their ideas into legislation as they prepare to debate after President-elect Obama takes office.

Health Care Survey Illustrates Financial Hardship

We have written extensively about the health care challenges faced by rural small businesses, including farmers and ranchers. Our report Health Care in Rural America ( speaks in detail about farm and ranch families’ dependence on a system that is very expensive and provides minimal coverage.

Now a new health insurance survey of farmers and ranchers corroborates the financial hardships that accompany rising health care costs.

Corporate Farming Notes: Provision requires USDA establish regulations defining “unreasonable preference or advantage”

There were not a lot of highlights in the 2008 farm bill. But one was a provision that requires USDA to write regulations that define an “unreasonable preference or advantage” under the Packers and Stockyards Act. The Act prohibits the kind of “sweetheart deals” that packers give large, industrial livestock operations. But USDA has never effectively enforced the law.

Farm Bill Programs for You and Your Community: New Conservation Stewardship Program to Enroll 13 Million Acres

This month we introduce the new Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). It replaces the Conservation Security Program that was part of the 2002 Farm Bill. Because of the problems in the way the old program was rolled out, we’re happy to say, “out with the old and in with the new.”

Lessons from 35 Years of Working for Positive Change

The Center for Rural Affairs is committed to making a difference. Making a statement is not enough. Working positively with other organizations and elected officials is almost always the best approach to changing policy. But there are some instances when we must hold others accountable by speaking hard truths to the public.

Across the Nation

Alabama: As part of Gov. Bob Riley’s plan to equip the state with high-speed internet by 2012, a 15-member council heard presentations from six possible vendors and then narrowed it to three.

New and Emerging Leaders—Who Are They?

Our series on leadership concludes this month with suggestions on how to find these people.

Effective leadership is absolutely necessary to advancing a community’s future. This has been driven home to me time and time again, and you’ve probably all experienced it. Someone has a great idea for a community project, but no one takes the lead to completion. All you get out of the great idea is a few meetings and the frustration that “nothing gets done.” When this happens, it’s difficult to get people involved again.

On the Blog for Rural America: The Rural Library

This is an excerpt from a blog post written by Center Advisory Board member Marcel LaFlamme.

What I remember about the summer before my senior year of high school are the hours I spent at the Monson Free Library. I grew up in small-town western Massachusetts, and when, at 16, I started to wonder whether maybe, possibly, I might be gay, I wasn’t sure who to talk to or where to turn. I remember spending part of that summer reading Chastity Bono’s memoirs, concealing the cover of the book behind a news magazine so that no one could see what I was reading.

3rd Annual MarketPlace: Opening Doors to Success

Learn how entrepreneurship and innovation can improve your skills, enhance your bottom line, and build a thriving rural community at MarketPlace, coming to the Sandhills Convention Center in North Platte, Nebraska, on Feb. 25, 2009.

Embrace the Nebraska Outdoors

2009 Agri/Eco-Tourism Workshop offers education, networking opportunities

The 2009 Governor’s Agri/Eco-Tourism Workshop will offer the Nebraska tourism industry a fun way to network, learn and cross-promote business. This year’s workshop will take place Feb. 3 and 4 at the Sandhills Convention Center in North Platte.

Strained Economy Has People Seeking Basic Health Care Services Less Often

New data are showing that an economic sector once thought secure from recessionary pressures is beginning to feel the pinch of the nation’s economic woes. Data from market research firm IMS Health show that people are beginning to cut back on basic health care needs as a result of economic pressures.

Rural Broadband Internet: FCC Authorizes Use of “White Space” for Internet Development

You are forgiven if you missed an important vote for rural America on November 4th. Another vote overshadowed it. In addition to an historic presidential vote, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to authorize the use of unlicensed “white space” for broadband internet development.

Economic Woes Best Addressed by Efforts Dealing with the Struggles of Modest Income and Estate Holdings

The gap between rich and poor in the U.S. is growing and is greater than in all but two of the world’s 30 richest market-based democracies (Mexico and Turkey), according to a study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Farm Bill Programs for You and Your Community: 2008 Farm Bill Microentrepreneur Assistance Program

Have you ever dreamed about being your own boss? If you have, you know it takes more than just a creative idea to build a thriving small business. Entrepreneurs need accounting and marketing skills, a business plan, access to capital and a knack for customer relations. However, not everyone has access to the education needed to develop these skills.
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